Saturday, July 10, 2010

Do Your Best

As you make positive changes in your lifestyle for your health you may find it's not as easy as you first thought it would be, but know this: Whatever you do, however much you have made changes for the better, don't let the enemy or anyone else come in and take away your progress - keep moving forward and when you come to a stand-still? Stand strong. When it's time to move on you move on. You know when you've done your best and given your all. Just don't stop. Proceed in the direction of a healthy lifestyle each and every day even if some days it's only in your thinking that you see the progress, it will come.

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, July 9, 2010

How's Your Thinking?

The healthier you think you are, the healthier you'll be.
As a man thinketh so is he.
No more stinkin' thinkin'.

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Show Me

Show me. Show me more. Show me more of what I can do. Show me the responsibility I have in being a faithful student. One who marches to the sound of the One who loves me and cares for me. The One who created me and knew me before I was ever even in the womb of my mother. I have been given fruit. One of which is self-control and therefore I shall discipline myself to develop it in me spiritually, physically, relationally, financially, and emotionally and be all I can be and all I am supposed to be for His glory. This self-control is a fruit and I have gone out on a limb to get it and to use it. It is now mine and I am responsible to do right by it. Self-control is a part of my lifestyle as are all the fruit of the Spirit He has placed within me. (Galatians 5:22-25)

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Desert Places

No, I did not say dessert places! But, here is a word of caution. It is in those desert places that we head for the dessert! or carbs! or whatever munchie delight we can find...

All of us will have desert places throughout the process of our daily lives. This is natural. What we need to learn is how to handle life when we are in those desert places. One thing we don't do is lap up the king's delicacies or rich foods that we have learned to avoid when we're going strong and not in a desert place. Why blow it for that short span of life when we can choose other alternatives that see us through and with great success instead of failure or setbacks.

If you're going to go through it with pity, anger or lack of self-control, at least choose a healthy habit or some newly learned principle that will be of benefit to you! If you simply hate exercising, get mad enough to go out and beat the pavement with tennis shoes running! Go to the gym and beat the "bag" so to speak or get yourself a jump rope and start jumping! If you're wallowing in pity then spend the money on a massage and reap the benefit of "poor me" by getting the knots worked out of you!

Here's a tip: Stop over thinking the mess you're in whether you made it or someone else did and know that "He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land (or desert place) and He will strengthen your frame." That's from Isaiah 58. Know this, God is always there for you and He will hold you up! It's Christ in you the hope of glory that has given you His "living water" that makes you like a "well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Hallelujah!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Getting Discouraged

Sometimes we get discouraged, but we shouldn't. Getting discouraged only makes it harder on us. It's better to keep going and do so with joy. Each day is a new day and upon rising we can say, "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" (Psalm 118:24) Really mean it, too. You may not start out that way, but fake it 'til you make it! Make it happen and it will. You will see each new day get better and better. Choose to make your day a great day every day!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rest in Him - Listen to Him

Just like your emotions will talk to you, there are "others" talking to you as well. We talk to ourselves. The devil talks to us. God talks to us. What voices are you listening to? The devil will plant wrong thoughts in your mind and then we dwell on them and get tempted by them and off we go into his world of evil thinking and wrong doing. God talks to us through the Holy Spirit and through His Word to show us what to do and where to go and how to do it but we don't, won't, or often aren't listening. We talk to ourselves. Sometimes out loud. Sometimes inside ourselves. What are you saying to yourself? We don't listen to our emotions. We don't listen to the devil or anything or anyone he may use to talk to us and we don't want to listen to ourselves unless we are saying the right things. Listen to God. His still, soft voice you know or maybe you need to get to know His voice. Listen to Him. Rest in Him. The rest you need is not only in your hours of sleep but it is to rest in Him. Matthew 11:28 tells us to, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." It continues with, "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Jesus gives true rest. Rest easy in Him and trust Him.

Here's to your health~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Sad Mad Glad

Stop it! Stop eating out of your emotions! Our emotions often trigger "something" - an addiction - and it's off to the refrigerator or cupboard we go looking! It could be "something" other than food as well! This is not having control over your own body. This is your body in control of you! It's time to stop and meditate on these times and ask questions. Who? What? Why? You may want to write your thoughts down and begin to journal. You will see the patterns of your choices that have developed over the years in your life better this way.

It's time to stop making excuses or blaming whatever it is you're blaming and get on with it! Take responsibility for your own actions and stop eating those foods when your emotions are talking to you! Start making a change for good health and break the bad habits you now have - choose life! Exercise for life! Make it a new exercise to stop every time your emotions want to do something and do something healthy instead! Take control of your life and live it in health!

Here's to your health~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Health and Our Emotions

We face our emotions every day in everything we do. To be in good emotional health means to be in control of your emotions - your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We must learn to accept the responsibility of our own choices. We must also learn the difference in how we choose. We can make the wrong one and suffer or choose the correct answer or right way and be blessed by it. Here are some personal questions to ponder and determine where you are in handling your emotions:

What kind of attitude do you have about yourself? Your body type? The way God designed you? Your eating habits? Your exercise rountine? When and where you sleep? How much you like the outdoors? Do you have a bad attitude or a positive attitude toward yourself? Toward health?

Having a positive, godly attitude will make a difference in your life. You will always have choices to make in life. Choose life!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another Tid Bit on Cleansing

When talking about the colon and elimination one can't forget to mention the stool. What is a "normal" stool suppose to look like? Here you are: it should be approximately in length 12" - measure from your wrist to you elbow and that should do it. Usually your stool will be about 2" in diameter and it should float! The other amazing thing about a "normal" stool is that it should disintegrate when it is flushed! Now I know you don't always look at your stool, and you don't have to, because this is something you will feel and feel better about!

Now that you know that, know this: you should have a bowel movement at lease 3 times a day - yes, you heard me correctly - three times a day! Think about it. You should have to go after every meal you eat. The waste needs to be eliminated within 24 hours if not sooner or it will putrefy in your gut!

That's the end of this topic for today:
Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cleanse By All Means

Not only is it necessary for cleansing on the outside, it's necessary to cleanse our body on the inside. Most of us haven't been educated to know that what we eat affects our elimination process or we simply don't want to think about that and so we ignore what we know or what we could learn about it.

I know. I wasn't a bit interested in my health class in Jr. High School. Now? Now I would like to go back and have Mr. Health Teacher explain it all over again to me! Our bodies are amazing and made uniquely by God Himself who formed us in our Mother's womb and even knew us before we were in our Mother's womb! That's incomprehensible!

Besides our skin, organs, cells, and blood, just think of the different systems for processing life that are involved in the human body. There's our blood system, our breathing system, and our digestive system, which brings me back to our elimination! Our elimination system is very necessary to the body. I really don't know that this was discussed much back in Health Class 101 at my Jr. High School, but it is something we should know about. Most of us think of simple doing it and getting it over with so we can go back to whatever it was we were doing that was much more important.

However, out of all the organs that bring about eliminating toxins, gases and poisons from our body - such as the skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, ears and nose - the bowels, our large and small intestines are our topic for discussion today. Specifically the colon and the job it has. Simply put, the colon is to remove water from fecal matter and expel that from your body. What we eat affects the efficiency of this process. An unhealthy colon can cause numerous problems and is a major source of toxins in the body. A healthy colon is necessary for the body to function properly. You need to cooperate with this elimination system by supporting it with food that will help it function powerfully and properly. You must also drink lots of clean water and juices through the day to assist the colon function.

There are colon-cleansing herbal blends to assist the body in removing the dead incrusted fecal matter that has built up in your colon after so many years of ignoring the information you are now learning. These are very helpful. You use this because the walls of the colon can be caked with fecal matter that's like cemented on! Without some-sort of aide to help flush and wash the colon clean it will remain there for life! This eventually leads to disease, which can then lead to premature death.

Once the colon is cleaned out you can maintain it with the proper foods, water, juices and nine principles working together. Don't ignore your colon and it's elimination process to keep the body cleansed any more!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rise and Breathe Deeply

After a good nights rest we wake from shallow breathing and in opening up our lungs we need to breathe deeply. Do an exercise daily as soon as you rise by taking in oxygen with some deep breathing. Inhale and hold about 10 seconds and as you let out your breath make it last about 10 seconds. Do this as many times as you can to let in oxygen and open up the mind.

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You are My Sunshine

Have you ever noticed that those who light up our lives the most have such energy? What kind of energy do they have? Where do they find this energy? Where does it - energy - come from?

The Word of God is our greatest source of energy. When we read it, it will bring to mind again and again our Biblical foundation and the Biblical principles we choose to live by - this life in Christ energizes us beyond what we are able - He takes over and does in us what we can't do on our own - it's His energy and His power alive in us! Although many years ago we crucified this Son, today we know better and we receive Him for who He is or can be - the "Sonshine" of our lives!

Another source of energy comes from the sun. This sunshine has gotten a bad wrap from prior years of people spending too much time in the sun and becoming a red beet or burnt lobster. But, the sunshine is actually good for us - it's knowing how much sunshine and when. The worse times to be out in the sun are between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. - so if you would be out in the sun it would be best to go out in the early morning hours before 10 a.m. or again sometime after 2 or 3 in the afternoon. However, when you do go out in the sun it is best not to remain out in it longer than 20 to 30 minutes at a time. If longer period of times in the sun are in your lifestyle, you will want to work up to these times slowly with a steady progression into a tanned body that adjusts to the sun. Proper diet helps our bodies tolerate more exposure to the sun. This energy - a mixture of the sun's rays (our exposure to sunlight) and our bodies chemistry or makeup - uniquely designed by God that it is - makes a concoction of what is called vitamin D (it's actually a hormone that your body is stimulated to make when your skin is exposed to sunlight). You don't need cow's milk fortified with vitamin D or any supplement - get out in the sunshine each day!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Monday, June 7, 2010

About Exercise

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for April, May, and June 2010, from the Seventh-Day Adventist Church has all great devotionals on the nine principles for a healthy lifestyle. In discussing exercise in one of the devotionals, it reminds us about three points needed to be kept in our minds with any exercise program. They are frequency, intensity, and duration. Here's what we read on April 15th:

1. Frequency. Currently, recommendations for optimal health and fitness suggest that we should exercise at least six times a week.

2. Intensity. The appropriate intensity of exercise will vary depending upon your age and medical condition. Over time, if you are consistent, you will be able to exercise harder and harder. It's good to get your heart beating faster and to work up a sweat. You have to pace yourself. What works for one person might not work for another.

3. Duration. It is estimated that 45-90 minutes of exercise per day is great. It would be beneficial if exercise were at least done for 30 minutes, six days per week. The exercise time may be divided into portions. For example, 10 minutes each morning, midday, and evening. It should be arranged to suit your program. Walking is an excellent and sustainable form of exercise.

And it goes on to say:

"There are many proven benefits of exercise. Regular exercise helps control weight. It is beneficial in helping to reduce high blood pressure and an important adjunct to any medical therapy for high blood pressure (under medical supervision and guidance). When exercise is regularly performed, there is a decreased incidence of Type 2 diabetes. Additional benefits to heart health include the fact that regular exercise improved the protective, healthy high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).

Regular exercise gives one an improved feeling of well-being. This occurs partly through chemicals called endorphins, which the body produces during exercise. Exercise has been associated with delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease, and it generally improves mental performance. People who exercise regularly have less depression. Exercise plays a role in the prevention of breast and colon cancer. The benefits are many and varied."

Thank you! Thank you, Seventh-Day Adventists!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Just Do It

I am reminded as I go to write about exercise to you of the Nike advertisement logo, "Just do it!" So prior to writing this post, I lay down on the floor and did 25 sit-ups. This is something I have the intention of doing every morning but for some reason it doesn't get done every single morning. It could be that I don't remember it because it is a new habit I am developing, but that is no excuse. I must find a way to trigger my memory and "just do it!" It could be that it's not my favorite thing to do in the morning and so it is at the bottom of my priority list, but that's no excuse. I must put it at the top of my priority list and do it first! It could be that I get too busy in the morning and simply have to run out the door, but that's no excuse. I must get up earlier to allow enough time to do it! Praise the Lord! Get your exercise in each and every single day if only for five, ten or fifteen minutes and don't let anything get in the way of it - just do it!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Celebrating My Body

In Psalm 139 and reading verses 12 through 15 I am encouraged to take good care of my body. Simply knowing that God Himself formed me and made me for who and what I am not only gives me purpose for living, but it also encourages me to care for this wonderfully made, marvelously made, and praiseworthy body I live in. It is the temple for the Holy Spirit to reside in and I have the responsibility to exercise it, cleanse it, feed it, and manage it properly - all for the glory of my God!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Think About Water

Think about all the places you find water? Rivers, lakes, oceans, waterways and canals... a faucet right in your own home! Think about how water affects all aspects of life? All living creatures, man, a ship with cargo, export and import, the list goes on... What are some of the ways we use water today? My first thoughts are of pioneers carrying buckets of water to their campsites or African women who carry pots of water on their heads long distances. I see a well or a pump at a log home on the great frontier long ago. I can see a waterwheel distributing water to many farms or resently living in a metropolitan city we had a water/sewer company close by and the water came running down a cement waterway; an intriguing site to see. Just thinking about water I see a new modern faucet advertised with water just pouring out of it beaconing someone to take a cool, refreshing drink. Water flows throughout the land and brings to it life. Now that I've made myself thirsty, I think I'll get myself a drink of water...

here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Monday, May 31, 2010


God provided water to preserve the lives of all His creatures. Pure water is the superior beverage to most all other drinks. Start your day with a glass of water and drink water between your meals all day long to keep yourself well hydrated. You may want to squeeze a drop or two of lemon into your water as lemon helps cleanse the body. This is especially helpful as well if you want a little flavor and don't regularly like drinking water. Water is a necessity for life!

Drink up!
Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

What We Eat Can Glorify God

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" - I Corinthians 10:31

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Best Foods

Over time, even since the Egyptians of old to modern man today, it has been discovered there is a common denominator and that common denominator when it comes to food is the rich man's diet. It causes the same sicknesses and diseases in man and it kills. The diet found in God's Garden, the Garden of Eden, was perfect and it was not just a suggestion. Man was to eat as his food fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains - "I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food."

There is a "safety net" today for us when it comes to our food we eat. It's in Genesis 1:29. When we eat to live and eat the foods that God gave us to eat in the beginning we are in His safety net. By being in His safety net we shall not get sick or find diseases in our body and we shall live a long, healthy life... or we will recover and restore an unhealthy body to life! Hallelujah!

Even when God allowed meat after the flood with Noah and his family we see that it was something out of necessity and that people who eat meat or even follow the Leviticus Law do not get the same results as those who eat according to God's perfect plan in the Garden.

We each get to choose - we can eat that which we want to eat, but what will give us the best - God's best? Make the change for His best - choose life! Eat healthy, fresh, raw, whole, living foods!

Here's to your health~
With your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Living Foods

Why living foods? Because cooked food is dead food. But let me say it in one word: enzymes.

Natural plant enzymes are present in all fruit and vegetables but are destroyed with heat. Enzymes help your digestion. They are the carriers of the vitamins and minerals to the places they need to go within the body. They simply help the body work more efficiently just like the oil in your car engine helps your car run more smoothly.

Man cannot reproduce the life that is in an enzyme. You are what you eat! Start eating those enzyme-packed fresh, raw, whole fruits and vegetables!

Here's to your health~
With your best 4 health in mind!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Getting on With It

Nine principles - let's go - start somewhere!

Choose Living Foods!
Drink lots of pure, clean water.
Exercise! Every little bit helps.
Get out in the Sunshine!
Enjoy the Fresh Air!
Keep your body cleansed.
Live stress free taking control of your emotions!
Get good rest.
Apply a Biblical Foundation.

Here's to your health!

Monday, May 24, 2010

With Your Best 4 Health in Mind

Our Biblical Foundation presents to each of us a choice in what we believe, do or say. If God so created us - which He did - so magnificently and gave us such a marvelous self-healing body then why haven't we been treating it as such? Usually it's because we didn't know, we hadn't heard or given it much thought. So now that you know, now that you will have been told, stop and think about it. Here are a few more Scripture references from the Holy Bible to ponder:

"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." - I Corinthians 6:19-20

"... who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes you were healed." - I Peter 2:24

Choose life - choose health!

With your best 4 health in mind,
Here's to your health!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Health and Wealth

Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is. - III John 2 (TLB)

The Lord's blessing is our greatest wealth. All our work adds nothing to it! - Proverbs 10:22 (TLB)

The thief's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness. - John 10:10 (TLB)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Health and Healing

It's yours for the taking... choose to live a healthy life. Choose life!

"I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."

~Deuteronomy 30:19 & 20

Here's to your health!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

On the Subject of Health

While we're discussing health and how it is our responsibility to train up our little ones in the way they should go... what about you? You must first choose good health for yourself. You cannot teach what you do not know or do yourself. You are to be an example to them and to the world but wouldn't you first want it for yourself? I urge you to choose to live in good health and personally apply the principles you know are right for good health. Choose life and life abundantly. Choose with your best 4 health in mine!

III John 2

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Not often thought of, as an interesting subject for conversation is health... although it should be. We should be training our young ones to learn to appreciate the blessing of good health. We should be training them properly how to care for their young bodies and not to abuse them. The world does a good job of that for us! Rather than all the sugar-laden, gooey, dripping with oil, fatty, fried, greasy, processed, overly rated foods of this world, let's teach them God's way even with their food choices from the beginning. That would change at least your children from the world's statistics of obesity, diabetes, ADHD, heart disease, and so on! It's a matter of their good health - while they are young it's up to you to choose it for them. At a later day it will be up to them. Help them choose life!

Here's to yours and their good health!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Little Sunshine

Sunshine has gotten a bad rap the last forty or fifty years. Because people got out in it and stayed out in it too long and would get burned, we became afraid of it - cover up, put on a shirt, oil yourself up - block it out! Now that we've become leery of going out in it we aren't getting enough of it! Moderation is the key. Moderate doses of sun are essential for your health. Get a little sunshine but not too much of it!

God made the sun. We don't need to be afraid of being out in it. Receive the blessings of being in the sun. Receive the blessings of being with the Son!

Here's to your health!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Air We Breathe

With every breath you maintain life. God breathed life into us in the very beginning. He has also set everything into place throughout the universe, including Earth, so that life can exist. It is our responsibility to tend and care for the Earth, our garden spot, and ourselves.

Unconsciously we are breathing all the time - we do it automatically. We don't stop and consciously think about the next breath we take or the fact that if it's not there we die. We need the oxygen we inhale.

"Oxygen... increases the energy in our cells. It allows them to function more efficiently as they process fuel. Using plentiful oxygen and nutrients, your cells start a "spring cleaning" routine, expelling toxins out through the cell membrane. But with inadequate oxygen supply, your cells cannot function properly. This makes you feel sluggish, tired, and drained." (The Hallelujah Diet, George Malkmus)

Household pollutants and household chemicals can be a great threat to our health. What we breathe in becomes a part of us so be alert of what you bring into your home and what you use to clean your home. Oxygen starvation can cause many diseases and mental illnesses. We need to fill our lungs daily with fresh, clean air. Also, learn to breathe slowly and deeply even when you are resting. A good exercise work-out will wake up your brain and body better than anything else and begin your deep breathing for the day. And, learn to consume oxygen-rich foods such as raw vegetables and fruits. Stop your suffocating and help your body begin to breathe!

Here's to your health!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Our Body Uses Water

Here are some ways our bodies use water:

It is required to transport nutrients throughout the body via the bloodstream.

It stabilizes and cools us, allowing us to maintain proper body temperature.

It hydrates our skin from the inside - it's the best lotion around!

It dilutes toxins that our cells produce during metabolism and carries them away.

It is part of every cell - 70 percent of our body is composed of water.

Saliva is used to moisten and predigest cooked food in our mouths.

It helps keep the colon clean. Our large intestine is like a sewer system; keeping the body hydrated helps keep it clean and waste moving through it.

It dissolves mineral buildup in the body, helping to eliminate arthritis and heart disease.

Wow! Thanks, George Malkmus! (From The Hallelujah Diet, pg. 183-184) We can see from reading this list that water plays a part in almost every body function! We can't go long without water - only a few days - water is absolutely essential for survival!

Here's to your health!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Why water? Why can't I drink something other than water?

"Water is the universal solvent; it's probably the most stable compound in creation - and it's the single most important compound for the support of life. As living organisms, we depend on the life support systems on Earth which themselves depend on the whole stable structure of the universe. Every drop of water we drink today has been recycled countless times in the Earth's hydrologic cycles. The natural distillation and condensation cycles across the Earth wouldn't be possible without the vast complex of physical forces held in delicate balance by the sun's energy and the rhythmic motions of all celestial bodies in space. It's the most amazing thing! God designed everything in creation to maintain a balance that makes our life on Earth possible. This balance provides us with just the right amount of water, breathing gases, light energy, and protection from solar radiation. With that in mind, let's focus on the importance of clean water to our health."

Aren't you glad you asked?! The above is quoted from The Hallelujah Diet by George Malkmus but the bottom line would be to ask you, "Do you want to support life in your body or let it deteriorate? Because, water is absolutely essential for survival.

Here's to your health!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Full Circle

Here we are again. Each day we do a complete circle with our lives and the next we begin again. We sleep, getting our rest for our body, soul and spirit to arise and begin a new day alive with nutritious foods for the breaking of the day. Starting with breakfast and then a healthy mid-morning juice or snack, a great raw salad of fresh, whole greens and vegetables for lunch and another healthy jolt of BarleyMax and/or carrot juice for mid-afternoon; ending our day with a healthy dinner, adding some cooked food if we choose. Throughout the day we've worked hard at our job and exercised in some way along with getting plenty of water in our system and fresh air and sunshine! We've even spent some time in the Word and reading some positive input to keep us on track and believing we can do it! We can. We can accept each day with what it unfolds, as we know the One who unfolds it. God bless your day today and every day...

here's to your health!
III John 2

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Positive Input

Why put garbage in when we're learning to shuffle it out? Put in the positive, good information so that you can dwell on it and meditate on what is good and right... this will benefit your physical, spiritual, relational, emotional and every other "tional" area of your life. Take a positive input break just before bed! Read! Pick up some of the literature and books you've been reading that have influenced you to change your lifestyle and absorb what you can for fifteen to twenty minutes (more if you so choose) and then let your mind ponder those things while you sleep! This new habit will bless you beyond your belief so don't just "try it," rather apply it to your new changed lifestyle for the next 30 to 60 days and you'll find you miss it when you don't do it!

Another good time to read is first thing in the morning. Again only fifteen to twenty minutes and you've created a positive input for the day! One of the best books I've found to read when directed that direction is the Holy Bible. This is God's love letter to you and as you read it you will see that it personally applies to you today! I hope you will choose it to read at least during one of your newly created input breaks!

Here's to your health!

Monday, May 10, 2010

What's for Dinner

If you are eating 85% raw and 15% cooked, dinnertime is when you will find you eat more cooked. Some of it's from habit and especially in the Winter months as you desire more comfy and warm foods. However, you may switch lunch and dinner around and eat your 15% cooked at lunch. This is especially nice when you go out to eat and have to order from a menu. I find that switching the two meals is better for me when I work and eat out. It helps me eat lighter for dinner and that's good since I'm in bed by eight! Simply keeping the choice of raw, whole foods in mind will help you eat better, making right choices for your health. You will also see that it doesn't take long and you are eating 100% raw most of the time!

Here's to your health!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

After A Hard Day's Work

What can you do? What will relieve the pressure? the stress? the fast paced, go, go, go? It's time to unwind so you come home and... plop? No! Take a walk out in the fresh air and sunshine or go to the park and sit and rest... people watch, read, pray... maybe you like to draw so sit and draw or even take an art class one or two nights a week. But do something that will relax you for a half hour or more each day. Then it will be time for dinner and your body will be settled down and digest better, plus you won't eat going a hundred miles an hour and will enjoy your dinner more. Take time to wind down from the labors of your day. Breathe deep and relax now, the evening is all yours.

Here's to your health!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Let's Not Forget to Juice

Take the time to juice! This is especially good for your mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks! Often times we reach for something not so good for us if we haven't planned to put juicing in our daily schedule. I have found that 10 a.m. and 2 or 3 p.m. are my snacky moments so I plan ahead. One or two 8 ounce glasses of juice a day is better than an apple! If I'm not home I plan a healthy snack (an apple would work - I'm not down on apples by any means) but when home its carrot juice time! Yeah, for carrot juice! You've heard the advertisement, "Got milk?" right? Well I say, "Got carrots?" So let's juice 'em! This is a living health drink you don't want to miss out on! Plan a juice break in your day!

Here's to your health!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hard Work

Hard work; it's good for you. Who does it any more? Most of us labor behind a computer or desk today. We aren't out in the soil toiling over a field of wheat, barley, or corn any more. Those who are do so now with such modern technology that they aren't actually out in the field as they use to be either. We still labor. We put in a good eight hours or more daily at a job. We should. Whether our job is as physical as some or not is not the point really. We can work hard physically or mentally doing what we do and we should be better for it. Others, too, should be better for it. It's not in what we do. It's how we do it. Work hard. Work strong. Work well and enjoy it.

Here's to your health!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jump Sit Squat Run

Do something in the morning before you head out the door. Just 100 sit-ups, a 20-minute warm-up or a jog around the block works! It gets your heart pumping strong and your lungs breathing well. Don't forget to exercise!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What's for Breakfast?

Every morning when we wake up we need something to get us going - not necessarily for the whole day, but for that refreshing newness of day and life! Many people will turn on the coffee pot before anything else in the morning and pour themselves a cup of Joe or for the fast-paced, fast-lane generation-ers they stop at the drive-up coffee house on their way to work and grab their latte! After that it's a morning bowl of a well-known, advertised manufacturer's packaged and processed cereal or a sweet roll. This is not the best quick start for a morning breakfast.

After BarleyMax* and a cup of cleansing tea*, I suggest the breakfast shake of the century, the "Flax Max Breakfast Smoothie" - this will fill you up but also give you great get-up-and-go and nutrition to keep you going! The recipe is found below in my weekly recipe along with the cleansing tea drinks. The "Flax Max Breakfast Smoothie" is great to fight inflammation, high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides, along with improving your calcium absorption. Give it a try and you'll discover a new way to get that kick-start and break fast!

Here's to you health!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar - A Cleansing Tea

In 400 B. C. Hippocrates (the father of medicine) discovered that natural un-distilled Apple Cider Vinegar (or ACV) is a powerful cleansing and healing elixir - a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs, bacteria, mold and viruses - for a healthier, stronger, longer life! ACV is packed full of powerful enzymes such as potassium, phosphorus, natural organic sodium, magnesium, sulphur, iron, copper, natural organic fluorine, silicon, trace minerals, essential amino acids and pectin and many other powerful nutrients!

Apple Cider Vinegar is a great body cleanser. ACV helps in purifying your cells by ridding the body of dangerous toxic wastes. ACV relieves headaches, fatigue, fights arthritis, gives the skin and hair a healthier feel and look along with many other numerous health remedies. It's like having an apple a day!

Find the recipe for ACV Cleansing Tea under "Recipe of the Week" below. You will also find more information about Apple Cider Vinegar in Paul and Patricia Bragg's book, Apple Cider Vinegar, Miracle Health System.

Here's to your health!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Green Juice

Yeah, for green juice! Scientific studies have been done and confirm that an organic, barley, alfalfa, and other "green juices" help rebuild the body at the cellular level. BarleyMax includes juice from a raw barley and raw alfalfa grown on certified organic farms offering one of the widest spectrums of naturally occurring nutrients in a single source. There are other green juices on the market, but I recommend BarleyMax!

Green juice, BarleyMax, is an important element of your diet. Here are some of the benefits of BarleyMax:

- retains a high level of enzyme activity
- rich source of antioxidants
- naturally occurring balance of enzymes, vitamins and minerals for maximum absorption
- contains only certified organic crops grown in nutrient-rich soil
- crops mineral rich water source comes from deep in the earth
- harvested at peak growth cycle to capture highest nutrient levels
- proprietary "living food" process converts juices into powder with nutritional potency similar to freshly juiced barley and alfalfa
- contain no additives or fillers
- independent laboratory testing confirms vitamin, mineral, enzyme, and antioxidant retention are among highest in industry
- pure juice powder contains almost no fiber- unlike other dehydrated whole leaf powders - to speed cellular assimilation

Your green juice will help build healthy cells and most people experience increased energy levels. Get on a green juice today - don't wait!

You can order your BarleyMax through Your Best 4 Health (928.970.3764) or directly through Hallelujah Acres - see website below and use the referral number DXW.

Here's to your health!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Be Happy

Every day we have a choice. The first choice we make is to get up and out of bed. Hopefully, it is after having a good night's sleep. The choice we have to make at the very beginning of our day is to be sad, mad, or glad when we get up. I choose glad. If you remember the movie by Walt Disney, Pollyanna, you will know a little more about being glad than others. Hayley Mills stars as Pollyanna, the Glad Girl; the orphan who brings sunshine into the lives of everyone she meets in small-town America.

From our biblical foundation we look at Psalm 118:24 and read, "This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." We are to choose to be happy and rejoice in life!

Here's to your health!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Good Night's Sleep

Rest. It is important for your best health! A person should get his or her eight hours of sleep in per night. Some think they need more and others can go with less but the best is at least eight hours of sleep. This allows your body to recuperate and rejuvenate for a break-fast in the morning when you rise to go about your day. Not only is sleep important for us, but often in today's world there is so much going on that we need to take a "rest" during our day. This could be a 10-20 minute "cat" nap on our break by just resting our head back and closing our eyes for that time or it could be stopping at our desk and while seated simply take some deep breaths and stretching. You will see after you've created these rest periods in your day that they are helpful and energizing. Don't go without getting your rest.

Here's to your health!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Taking the Risk

It means...
...getting some good night's sleep
...getting up in the morning knowing "this is the day the Lord has made and you are going to rejoice in it!" (Psalm 118:24)
...having your green juice (BarleyMax is best!)
...enjoying a cup of cleansing tea (Bragg's recipe is best!)
...having your break-fast smoothie before leaving to start your day's work!(See below under recipes this week)
...going to the gym or doing a few sit-ups or another complete body exercise - how about a 20 minute warm up with Stormie Omartian's, Exercise for Life video
...labor hard during the day working physically, mentally and spiritually
...coming home and taking an adventurous walk outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine
...having a healthy dinner (here you can add your 15% cooked food if you had your completely raw lunch) some positive input before retiring (your Bible is the best!) bed for eight hours of good rest so that your body is able to replenish itself for a new day tomorrow!

Become disciplined in a healthy routine and live the lifestyle of your dreams not letting anything or anyone make a different choice for you.

Here's to your health!

*The schedule above is only an example and not conclusive. Remember to add BarleyMax three times a day and drink juices mid-morning and afternoon or other times that fit into your daily schedule, just before bed could be best for you! Be sure all nine principles we are discussing fit in somewhere - because they all work together for your best health!

Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Worth It

Take the risk! You will not regret it! You are meant to have health! You know the right thing to do when it comes to having a healthy lifestyle - it's now time to put what you know to practice. Let's do it! You and I can have a healthy body, mind and spirit for the rest of our lives! Today is the day to begin!

Here's to your health!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The List that Ails You

Don't be afraid to make this list! Write down all that is aching in your body or not quite right and write down those diseases! Write down the hard to swallow ones as well. If you have a tumor or a cancer or even a bone spur, write it down. You will be surprise with the results that come when you put your trust in the Lord and do what is right for your body by eating nutritious whole raw foods, juice, exercise and apply the other principles we are talking about. God rewards those who diligently apply themselves to truth. Most times it is wise to do the opposite of the masses! The masses are most of the time still stuck in the world and in a wrong rut!

"But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

"... who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes you were healed." - I Peter 2:24

Here's to your health!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Be Expecting Something Good

One of the questions you need to ask yourself as you make a lifestyle change is what are you expecting to happen? Your answer should not only weigh the pros and cons but also specifically include a list of positive changes for your health and life!
It could look something like this:

I want to be more flexible - able to bend and move without aches and pains.
I want to be able to breath when I touch my toes.
I want to be able to walk two and a half miles.
I want my hair to shine.
I want my teeth to sparkle.
I want to see well with my eyes.
I want to be able to turn my head completely to the left and to the right.
I want to be able to do sit ups and other exercises that I haven't done in years.
I want my fingernails and toenails to grow and be strong.
I want to be able to bend my elbows and knees without pain.
I want to be pain free!
I want to be free of all sickness and disease!
I want to look good and be at the weight I should be!

No more allergies, no more Fibromyalgia, no more arthritis, no more digestive disorders, no more diabetes, no more heart disease, no more cancer, no more depression and no more stress!

I am living a clean, fresh, healthy lifestyle!

Friday, April 23, 2010

What a Healthy Lifestyle Might Look Like

When I look at the question "what would a healthy lifestyle look like, I might write: "I see me...
in the room crowded with active people chatting about whatever, gathered together for an activity, or two people dressed out for a healthy mile or two walk... me and a friend at work, a neighbor, or my husband. I see me and people around me not skinny but definitely not fat! More like "just right" for each one of us because we know that right weight and how we should feel in our clothes, or how we should fit seated in a chair or our car; even how we should "feel" when we bend over to pick something off the floor! We're not all "buffed" out but not weaklings either. We are people who know... we know what we should look like on the outside (and the inside), clean, healthy, relaxed, filled with joy, living a peaceful life. We know what we want and don't want, we know who we want to be with or don't want to be around. We know a healthy relationship versus an unhealthy one... healthy reading, healthy speaking, healthy living! We are people who do right, choose right, eat right, live right and apply to our lives the best of what we know to do and how to do it as we live a healthy lifestyle.

You might see a winding road on a shady lane and be happy.
You might see yourself sitting on the sand at the beach and be able to relax.
You might be jogging or hiking a trail through the backwoods and the exhilaration of it all excites you.
Maybe it's sitting around with family and loved ones and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine of a backyard bar-b-que... healthy of course! Maybe lightly cooked vegetable kabobs or raw fruit kabobs on a skewer and a cool glass of freshly made herbal tea with a twig of mint or a slice of lemon...

...put yourself in the picture and make it a healthy view from inside your mind or paste an actual picture on the frig that will remind you of the lifestyle you long for and the healthy body you desire. Not that I'm a milk drinker now, but back when the magazines and television were advertising "milk, it does a body good," I cut one of those gorgeous bodies out and put it on my frig - it was a great reminder that I was going to have a healthy looking body one day (maybe not exactly like hers, but the best I could have!) I know have trained my mind to think healthier because the slogan I use for that advertisement is now, "carrot juice, it does a body good!"

Here's to your imagination... think healthy and you will begin to live healthy!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy living begins with you. It's your choice. Start asking yourself some questions. To get you started I have put a few here, but once you get started by answering these questions, go farther... I suggest you write them down because I know once you get that pen to flowing you will have lots more to say. I find that I can't write (or type) as fast as my thoughts come, but do your best. Here goes:

What does a healthy lifestyle look like to you?

What are you expecting to happen to you, in you, and around you by applying healthy new habits to your life?

What are some of the physical issues or needs you have now that you would like to see not only addressed, but also changed for the better? This is a good place to list your aches and pains or diseases to be healed!

Am I willing to take the risk and expect the best?

Here's to your health!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't Miss Any

One or two of the principles we share will work alone or together, but putting all the principles for good health together in your life will give you the optimum lifestyle! You may choose to start with one principle like eating living foods, but don't stop there! Don't get sidetracked. Be sure to add another as soon as one has become a positive habit in your daily routine. We often forget one or the other even though we know them all.

I have from personal experience found that I often forget to drink water. Why? It's never been something I do so I have to create the habit in my life. Now, I have cut out other beverages that contain caffeine or carbonation and especially alcohol but it's not until my body is crying out of thirst that I think, "oh, have a glass of water!" Another often forgotten principle is exercise. All nine principles we are going to investigate for a healthier you must be put together to give you the maximum energy and optimum health you desire. Along with these nine principles you will begin to discover that there is so much more to having a healthier lifestyle... and you've been missing out on it! Start today by putting the principles for health into your life... make it an adventure and don't quit!

Here's to your health!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We've talked about cleansing through fasting but there are ways for us to cleanse on a daily basis. One is by taking in the proper fuel; living foods, which we discussed yesterday. Another is drinking plenty of water. Water helps flush out the toxins from your body. Exercise helps stimulate the flow of things in your body and again helps remove those toxins.

The elimination process is as natural as any other function the body performs whether it be the lymph system or the colon that does the eliminating, the body must be kept clean. Our body should naturally be eliminating waste at least three times a day once after every meal. Many people today don't realize that and are satisfied with three times a week! Imagine what your colon looks like! Imagine how your blood looks as it tries to flow through your body... thick and gunk-y barely passing through! I won't even mention where the extra fat might be stored and what it looks like. Think about this: if it looks bad, what do you think it's doing to the body?

Cleanse. Cleanse. Cleanse. Once you've had a deep cleanse whether it be through fasting, enema, or a deep colonics cleanse, which by the way should only need to be done once if you maintain it, you can keep it cleaned up by eating the right foods that don't clog it and drink plenty of water, exercise and get proper rest and the body will love you for it.

Here's to you health!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Living Foods

What are living foods? They are foods that still contain their life force - the enzymes! Food is now processed and placed in boxes, cans, and all sorts of packaging. Everything is at our beck 'n call. But not everything is good for us - no, it's not like food use to be - grown on the farm, picked fresh and placed on the table. Those days are gone. Now we have those boxes, cans and pretty packages containing in them dead food; it's unhealthy for you. It's what's making Americans obese! That and eating too much of it!

Our living body needs living foods! Fresh fruits and vegetables are raw foods that still have active enzymes and nutritional power packed in them naturally. Picture a baked apple. Now picture a fresh, crispy raw apple in a fruit basket at the market. You can actually see the difference between life and death in this example. The baked apple is shriveled and no longer red but brownish. The market fresh, raw apple is red (or bright green or even bright yellow depending on the apple you envisioned) and crisp and as you bite into it is juicy and runs down your chin. The same is true about other foods we eat. It's time we open our eyes and our minds to what's healthier for us and choose to eat for our health and have life!

Here's to your health!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nine Basic Principles and Six Killer Foods

Living Foods
Clean, Pure Water
Clean, Fresh Air
Proper Exercise
Emotional Balance
Peaceful Rest
Biblical Foundation

Killer Foods:
White Flour
White Sugar
Table Salt
Animal & Dairy Products
Processed Foods

Consider. Ponder. Let's talk more on the above.
Here's to your health!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Back to the Garden

As a human being made by the hand of God, God at the same time gave us our responsibilities; "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth... The LORD God planted a garden... The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it."

Spiritually and physically and in all ways we are to...

Be fruitful with our lives - produce good on the earth!

Multiply - it's not necessary to have tons of kids but increase - multiply that which you have been blessed with by God!

Subdue? Conquer and subjugate - bring under control!

Have dominion - authority, power to rule and influence - responsibility to govern wisely for the benefit of those ruled over.

Let's make our lives count and with it live a healthy and long life!
Here's to your health!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Human Being

So let's put this package together - the whole of the skin, the lungs, the colon, the kidneys, the ears, eyes, nose, and throat... a God-designed system for eliminating toxins and cleansing our body. Then we have our bones with living tissue, cells, blood vessels, mineral deposits and water... a God-designed support structure to shape the body. Add to those parts other organs and parts of the body like the stomach, pancreas and liver along with arms, legs and a torso... all our wonderful parts given us... that is what makes man a human being... or is it the God-breathed breath of life God gave us? There is life is in the blood. God is to be in your heart and we are to guard our heart and keep our body cleansed both physically and spiritually. In doing so, we shall find a long and healthy life! Here's to your health!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Bones

Not that your bones have much to do with or anything to do with the cleansing process of the body, but I found this information from a middle school study to be very interesting on the bones, especially the last paragraph, which you will read and then see does have something to do with keeping the body cleansed. Of course, we need our bones, as they are what hold us mostly together! They hold us together and our skin keeps it all in! - The skin is where we started our discussion of body parts.

The Bones. The skeleton is made up of 206 bones. It supports the structure, gives it shape, protects vital organs and serves as an attachment for the muscles. The bones of the skeleton are held together at the joints by ligaments and tendons. Bones are covered with a special tissue called periosteum. Our joints are covered with a thick pad of smooth cartilage, which acts as a butter between the hard bones. Wow, is our body a miraculous work or what?

Now get this, our bones are alive! Yes, they take in food (calcium, phosphates) through blood! Bones can be divided into living tissue, cells, blood vessels, mineral deposits, and water. No more thought of those "plain old bones," "dry old bones," or "dead old bones" in my body - they're alive and so am I! Alive and healthy bones!

Here's to your health!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat

Here it is right from George Malkmus from his book, The Hallelujah Diet, page 181-182 - more parts of the body that detoxify:

"Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat. Your body uses all of these organs to detoxify. Many symptoms we consider illness are really just our bodies expelling unwanted particles out of our system. You may notice your eyes becoming more crusty than usual in the mornings, or they may form a mucus coating, which prompts you to rub them.

You can support all your eliminative systems by eating fruits and vegetables with a lot of fiber. Juice fasting occasionally (drinking juices only, but not consuming any solid food) can boost your body's ability to cleanse and provide the nutrients your body needs to repair itself... Water fasting is not recommended for detoxing, as it simply draws out toxins and does nothing to provide the body with needed nutrients.

The cleansing process is necessary, but it doesn't have to be traumatic. Just remember, you've been putting toxins into your bodies for a long time and you can expect it will take a while to get them out. It won't always be pleasant, but it will definitely be worth it..."

It's not surprising or is it to learn about our own bodies and their miraculous functioning. I don't know about you, but I sure didn't have an interest back in junior high school when I was sitting in a health class and supposed to be learning this stuff!

Here's to your health!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Kidneys

Here we are again with some great information from George Malkmus in his book The Hallelujah Diet, page 181-182, on the kidneys:

"Kidneys. The kidneys filter your bloodstream, drawing toxins out of it... As the kidneys filter out toxins, they will suspend them in water and send the solution to the bladder. Drinking lots of pure water and juices will help the kidneys function well. Make it your goal to drink a total of one-half ounce of water for each pound of your body weight per day. (This quantity may include the fresh juice, but does not include coffee, tea orother beverages)...

Here's to your health!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Colon

George Malkmus has much to say about the colon, but let me highlight some of what he says here for you (from The Hallelujah Diet, page 180-181):

"Colon. Your colon is one of the most obvious routes for elimination. Quite simply, your colon's job is to remove water from fecal matter and expel that matter from your body... what we eat affects the efficiency of this process... A healthy colon is necessary for the body to function properly. An unhelathy colon can cause a plethora of problems and is a major source of toxins in the body. You need to cooperate with this elimination system by supporting it with food that will help it function powerfully. You must also drink lots of clean water and juices through the day. Occasionally, it may be helpful to use a colon-cleansing herbal blend to assist in removing the dead incrusted fecal matter. But once it is cleaned out, in most cases drinking enough juices and water and sticking with the 85 percent raw vegetable diet recommended in this book will be enough- along with exercise and deep breathing - to keep your colon working freely."

Fasting is a great cleanse for the colon. Let's keep things cleaned out and moving!
Here's to your health!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Lungs

Let me share more from George Malkmus about our lungs from his book The Hallelujah Diet (page 179-180):

"Lungs. Our lungs are among the largest, most valuable elimination organs. They exchange over 12,000 quarts of air per day. Gases are eliminated through the lungs, particularly carbon dioxide. When we inhale oxygen, the oxidation of our body's cells produces carbon dioxide.

As you breathe, the movement in your lungs, diaphragm, and thorax act as a pump for lymph fluid as it flows through your lymph system. Your lymph system is the primary system your body uses to deliver toxins to your elimination organs. The lungs are also involved in body temperature regulation, the acid/alkaline balance we discussed earlier, and the movement of fluid throughout the lymphatic system. In addition, deep breathing is the primary source for oxygen, which is vital for your body to produce the energy it needs to get through the healing crisis.

Pollutants and smoking will hinder your lungs, and they're downright deadly. You can help out your lungs by taking long walks in fresh air; focus on filling your lungs; taking a few long, deep breaths instead of many shallow, quick ones. And when you are sitting or resting, position your body so you can breathe as deeply as possible. This will increase your absorption of oxygen and relax your body."

Here's to your health!

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Skin

"Not many people consider the skin when they think about their organs, but the skin is the largest organ of the entire body. It keeps out most of what we want out, and it keeps in what we want in. You may have thought only your lungs provided oxygen and nitrogen to your body, but much of your respiration actually occurs through your skin. Your skin also helps remove poisons from your body through perspiration.

Most people don't think of sweating as a good thing. No one likes feeling self-conscious of how they smell. However, it's one of the body's best ways of removing toxins. We should encourage the body to sweat or the skin will become congested with toxins and micro-particles. Skin rashes and lesions result from tissue congestion inside the layers of the skin.

Keeping our skin clean with frequent bathing and showering will help prevent the re-absorption of toxins. Using natural products will help the skin breathe much better than their commercial, chemical counterparts...

...Your armpits are the abode of your lymphatic glands, so preventing this area from sweating forces toxins back into your system... You will need far less protection or masking from odor when your sweat no longer contains the backlog of toxins that cultivate odor-causing bacteria."

The above excerpt from The Hallelujah Lifestyle and Diet by George Malkmus (page 178-179), helps us to see why our cleansing of the body is so important. You will actually find through body cleansing and especially fasting along with all the other principles for a healthy lifestyle, that you won't need deodorants at all because the excess toxins will be gone for good or as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle!

Here's to your health!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Healing Crisis

This is it! The "healing crisis" is the process, which your body will go through as it goes through the elimination process of toxic waste built up in your body after years of mistreatment. Have no fear - these symptoms are simply signs that the body is in the cleansing process and healing itself! Rejoice! That is how God designed our bodies! We have a miraculous self-healing body! Even allergies are a way our body can tell us we need to cleanse! Yes, it is a means of an internal cleansing. What do we do?

Normally the medical field will suggest we cover up those symptom. We choose to not "suffer" but take something for the pain or discomfort. Stop that! Doesn't it make more sense to let the body rid itself of the problem and not just cover it up so it stays in the body discomforting us for a prolonged amount of time? Maybe even years! Or worse yet, all our life - simply because we covered up something that wants to be let out! Let your body talk to you and listen to it. There are times it speaks to us in a postive way which will help us become healthier - but a word of caution... there are also times it will scream for its own way to have a negative reaction. Like ice cream! You've heard it said, "I-ce scream, we-scream, we all scream for ice cream!" No! That's our flesh speaking wrongly and we must say no to that!

That was a silly joke but I hope you get the picture. We are to be in control of our bodies. Be aware and take notice of those times our body needs our help to assist it in the cleansing and healing process. We want to have good health - the best health - and maintain that health for all the years we live in our physical body. The healing crisis is a natural part of the cleansing process and our bodies need this.

Here's to your health!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What's the Secret?

The secret to health is in the internal cleansing of the body. This is another one of our principles. Cleansing the body's system. There are healthy effects to cleansing the body. Like most people, we have spent most of our lives eating dead foods and not providing the body its needs like quality food, water, exercise, and rest just to name a few. So it should be no surprise to us that our body is in deep need of these things and a good cleaning out!

You may experience symptoms of discomfort during your fast or any change in your eating or lifestyle change - even with exercise your body goes through some discomfort before it is at a healthy place. Some of the symptoms you may or may not experience could be headaches or lightheadedness, nausea, chills, cramping, cold symptoms or disturbed sleep. These symptoms will only be telling you that your fasting is even more necessary than you thought! It doesn't mean it's time to stop fasting. That thought does not come from God but His #1 enemy who wants to keep you unhealthy and sick to die young so there's no time for you to fulfill your purpose on this earth!

Keep this in mind: The healthier you are the easier it is to fast. So the first fast you are on will be your hardest but as you put fasting into your weekly, monthly, or yearly routine you will have a much easier time with it.

If or when you do experience any of these symptoms I suggest this be a time when you have your vegetable broth, cauliflower soup and/or partake in the Lord's Supper. Not all will experience all of these symptoms - maybe you'll experience none! Hallelujah! However, if at any time they become too much for you, you can stop the fast and try it again at another time. Don't beat yourself up or feel guilty either, you may just need to move in this area of fasting a little slower than you did. These symptoms will become less and less a problem for you and eventually diminish completely as you become cleansed on the inside.

Here's to your health!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Personal Testimony

When fasting I have found a most blessed way to get me through the tough moments in a fast. If you have fasted before, you know those moments... times that come up where you just have to eat something, times when the enemy wants to distract you and take you off your course, times when you know the seriousness of your fast and yet you are growing weak! It's during these times that I cry out to the Lord and focus on Him.

I have been on fasts and do fast for physical reasons; however, my fasts most always will have my spiritual foundation with my Lord and Savior as my main focus and will have a spiritual cause. By doing this, I have found the best breakthrough for those tough moments during a fast. Communion. Yes, the Lord's Supper. There is nothing in the Bible that says your pastor or elders would have to administer the communion elements to you. You and the Lord are present and in a moment of great need you can take the bread and the cup and be renewed both spiritually and physically! I simply take out my Bible and read I Corinthians 11:23-26, or a passage of Scripture that the Holy Spirit may lead me to read, sometimes more than one. I prayerfully consider the cause or reason I am fasting, taking it to the Lord and leaving it with Him and then I sup with Him. Because we have a relationship I have found this to be a most intimate time and a time of great strengthening!

Here's to your health!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Great Fast Breakers or Slump Removers

Here are two recipes that are great during a fast when you need a "pick-me-up" or when breaking a water and juice fast before solids are re-introduced to the body.

Vegetable Broth
1 onion
1 potato
2 carrots
2 stalks of celery

Peel the vegetables, cut into quarters, and add to one quart of pure (distilled) water. Let the mixture simmer on the stove for one hour and then strain the solids from the broth.

Note: If coming off a vegetable fast you can leave the vegetables in!

Chamomile Cauliflower Soup
The subtle flavor of chamomile enhances this classic soup.

3 cups water
6 Chamomile tea bags
1 large head of cauliflower, but into 3" pieces
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 celery stalks, chopped
Salt and Pepper
1 T. butter (vegan) or oil

Boil the water and tea bags in a saucepan for5minutes. Remove the tea bags, squeezing the excess liquid into the pan. Add the cauliflower to the saucepan. Cover and boil 15 minutes, or until tender. Drain the cauliflower, reserving 1 cup of liquid for later. In a small pan, saute the onions and celery in butter until the onions are clear. Put into a blender along with the cauliflower, salt and pepper, and one cup reserved liquid. Blend until smooth, and then serve. For a thinner reserve add more liquid. For thicker soup, add less liquid.

Note: Use caution with the hot ingredients and turning on the blender! Hold the lid or you could have a disaster!

Here's to your health!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Breaking Your Fast

After being on any fast it is important to go off of that fast slowly. Do not make your first meal a heavy eat-whatever-you-want-to-eat meal. This is especially true on a fast of water only or a juice fast. Gradually add back into your diet vegetables and then fruits. After a water only fast you may want to start with some juices. With a juice fast you may want to simply have an apple or a banana and with only that you may find that you can only eat half of the fruit. When on a vegetables only fast you may add more variety to a salad or enlarge your portions. The main idea is to go back to eating more foods slowly allowing your body, especially your digestive system to gradually adapt. This will eliminate any vomiting, cramping or pains from over doing it! You definitely do not want to begin with any of the killer foods like caffeine and sweets! Why would you do such a thing after taking and spending the time to cleanse your body? Now that you have made a cleansing of the body you will want to maintain that health by eating a proper diet of fresh, raw foods - preferably organic. Now begin to add fasting on a regular basis to your healthy lifestyle Include a day of fasting a month or maybe each week! For sure it is important to do a deep cleansing three or four times a year by fasting. Begin to make fasting a way of life!

Here's to your health!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kinds of Fasts III

Here we are again with another look at fasting. We have discussed the water fast and juice fast. Today we will learn about the vegetable fast and its benefits to the body.

Vegetable Fast:
This fast definitely takes me to our Biblical Foundation and to Daniel. He is our example. See Daniel 1 in the Old Testament. Daniel was a Hebrew man and captured by the king of Babylon. The king wanted some of the children of Israel to shape and make for his own use in the palace. He picked the best and Daniel was one of them. The king gave them a daily provision of the "king's delicacies" - king's food: deliciously rich and fattening food - and three years training so that they would then serve the king. Daniel went to the king's chief officer and asked that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's delicacies and suggested that he eat only vegetables during this time of training - he and his three friends: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. The chief officer allowed Daniel his request for ten days. At the end of the ten days Daniel and his friends appeared better and healthier to the chief officer than all those who ate the portion of the king's delicacies. So the chief officer allowed Daniel his request for the remainder of the training. At the end of the training when Daniel and his friends and all the others were brought in to see the king, the king found none like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. They were examined and found ten times better than all the others! They were the ones chosen to serve before the king.

From the Spirit Filled Life Bible's Truth-in-Action at the end of Daniel it says, "Stand fast for your righteous standards, despite pressure to sin. Believe that God will give you a means of escape. Trust that He will show you favor and give you wisdom through "creative alternatives."

Without taking this out of context, let me say this. We eat to live not live to eat. Yes, foods taste good and our taste buds say some taste better than others - what do they know? Remember we are to be the ones in control of our bodies - not our bodies in control of us. We are to have the discipline like Daniel to make right choices. We will reap the benefits when we do. So in the midst of our flesh crying out to us "No! No! No!" we will say, "Yes! Yes! Yes! To eating (fasting) God's way! Put yourself in a training program. Make it a King's training program and begin with a fast of vegetables! You will soon discover that your body will crave the good foods over the "king's (world's) delicacies." Do not defile yourself. God will show you how to be creative with your healthy choices. Stand fast!

Here's to your health!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Kinds of Fasts II

First let me add something to our Water Fast from yesterday, I neglected to mention that on a water fast you want to be sure and drink distilled water. Why? It's the best because it's water that is in its purest form.

Today let's look at the Juice Fast. Paul and Patricia Bragg* have this to say and I want to share it with you as we get started today:

"Everyone who wants to live the healthy life must thoroughly understand just what is going on in their body chemistry. Fresh, organic, raw fruits and vegetables help flush the toxins out. The body can't be rushed. It takes the average person a long time to saturate the body with toxic poisons. Now it's going to take time to flush this debris out with this transition diet! The more organic raw fruits and raw vegetables that you condition yourself to handle, the more cleansed your body will become!" The Braggs also recommend that you prepare for a fast by eating a cleansing diet for 1 to 2 days before beginning your fast because it can greatly help the cleansing process. Another suggestion is taking a mixed vitamin C powder (see below *) because it is a potent antioxidant and flushes out deadly free radicals that produce harmful effects and because it promotes collagen production for new healthy tissues.

Along with this I want to add that through my purchase and reading of Paul and Patricia Bragg's book,* I have learned to drink their Vinegar Drink each and every morning upon rising and I would encourage you to add this to your morning intake before or after your Barley Max which I've mentioned several times and also take. The recipe for the Bragg's Vinegar Drink can be found in our recipe section this week. Now let's look at our Juice Fast.

Juice Fast:
Juice fasting is a safe and easy way to detoxify the body. This fast consists of strictly juices and water only. Again distilled water. The juices should be fresh juice and not the processed canned, bottled or frozen juices from the grocers. This is what you have for your three meals a day. 8-16 ounces of fresh juice! Carrot or a carrot blend (especially with beets as they are great for cleansing the body) is the best or your green juices. In between meals drink plenty of distilled water. Don't forget your BarleyMax! However, when you get the urge to eat or have a hunger pain, you can always add another fresh juice to your day. George Malkmus, Hallelujah Acres founder and author, drank 8 - 8 ounce glasses of carrot juice a day when he was in a crisis and needed to cleanse his body of a tumor growing inside his body! Juices offer great quantities of nutrients that support your immune system,and the juice fast is a powerful healing tool. Don't wait until you're sick to do a juice fast as it will also keep your body in good health!

*Apple Cider Vinegar, Miracle Health System, Paul C. Bragg and Patricia Bragg, page 50. Vitamin C (C concentrate, acerola, rosehips, and bioflavonoids)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Kinds of Fasts

The first fast we want to discuss is the water only fast. This fast is what most people think of first but it is not always the choice you should make when fasting. There are others that are better for your health and can be done on a more regular basis than the water fast, which is often done in extreme circumstances. Below you will see why.

Water Fast - This is a fast of water only - complete abstinence from any other liquid or solid foods. This is the quickest way to detoxify the body. However, it can be dangerous and should be carefully supervised (by your doctor or The Doctor). It gives the body a severe cleansing but will leave the body very weak. It often takes quite some time for the body to restore the strength it lost during this type of fast. The reason for this is that the body is forced to feed upon itself and its nutrient reserves, which are often low to start with, depending on the individual's own body. Lack of nourishment to provide the proper building materials need to restore and rebuild the body are essential and thus this fast may not be the best choice.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let Us Discipline the Body

The pastor from Woodland Church, Brownstown, Michigan has this to say about Paul buffeting his body and fasting: "You may have heard the old joke twisting the words of the Apostle Paul to justify overeating, by saying, 'I buffet my body.' Those words actually refer to Paul's discipline of his bodily desires to line up with his inward desire to be a passionate follower of Christ. Fasting is a useful discipline to check our tendency to overindulge in good things at the expense of our discipleship. Paul also said, 'Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things (I Timothy 4:8 NIV).'"

Before we move on with kinds of fasting - other than to check our tendency to overindulge in good things at the expense of our discipleship - listen to this as you read from Hebrews 12:10-11:

"Those whom the Lord loves He disciplines. . . He disciplines us for our good..." Our good! It goes on to say, "so that we may share His holiness. All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful yet to those who have been trained by it..." Those who have what? "Been trained by it." Trained by what? Discipline. "To those who have been trained by it (discipline), afterwards it (discipline) yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." It, discipline, "yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." With discipline - and buffeting our body - we will do what is right! Hallelujah!

The Lord's purpose in discipline is to encourage us to abandon our sin - the wrong things we do, the wrong way we treat our body with letting it have it's own way - it doesn't know what it needs and if it does we need to give it what it needs not what it wants or thinks it wants. That's what God does for us. Why wouldn't we do the same for our self and our body? In this way we "share His holiness." This is a better lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle. A lifestyle of peaceful living. Now let's get on with it!

Here's to your health!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Buffet the Body

Buffet defined:
1.) To hit or beat; especially repeatedly
2.) To strike against forcefully; batter
3.) To drive or force with or as if repeated blows
4.) To force (one's way) with difficulty - To buffet one's way.

Our biblical foundation is coming from I Corinthians 9:24-27 (NKJV):
"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified."

I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage... - American Std.
I beat my body and make it my slave... - NIV
I discipline my body and keep it under control. - English Std.
I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. - NLT
I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection... -KJV

Get the picture? We are to be in control of our body.

Paul is talking about not being disqualified in a race he is running for life. Reading in verses 24 and 25 of I Corinthians 9 you see he mentions this and that those who compete are "temperate in all things." Temperate - in control, patient, longsuffering, balanced. That's when he mentions again the race and our fight, "not with uncertainty," "not as one who beats the air" ... but as one who disciplines or buffets the body (vs. 26 and 27).

Forget the buffet line... or next time you are one - go for the raw fruits and vegetables and eat to live and have good health!

Here's to yours... good health!

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Bit More on Discipline

I know it's not Sunday, it's Monday but from the Bible, which we use as one of our principles... it is our foundation... we must see this in the Book of Job:
"He (God) also opens their ear to instruction, and commands that they turn from iniquity. If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity; and their years in pleasures." (Job 36:10-11)

Shout Hallelujah!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fasting and the Discipline of It

We are going to look at the different kinds of fasts but being that today is Sunday let me mention a bit more on discipline - especially "spiritual" discipline. This is a complete denial of self. It is a time of denying yourself food and also a time of drawing closer to the Lord by giving yourself to a time of prayer. We are to discipline ourselves in many ways but our flesh cries out for having its own way. Discipline is when we know better than to allow our flesh to rule and do what is right anyway - whether or flesh agrees or not. This is buffeting our body as Paul mentions in the Bible. It is not going to a buffet line! Buffeting here means we are to take control of or discipline our body to do what it's supposed to do and not what it wants. Fasting for the Lord and for our body's health brings it, our flesh, our body, under our control. First by our communication with the Lord and hearing from Him and second by taking the power from Him to make our body submissive to what He says! As we fast and do this our bodies become healthier in the physical realm as well as our spirits being healthy unto the Lord.

Here's to your health!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Why We Are to Fast

Stormie Omartian tells us a way to change our thinking about sickness and disease. She says, "To take the mystery out of being sick, think of disease as another way of saying 'out of balance.' Whenever you feel yourself getting sick, try to figure out where you got out of balance."* When you are out of balance there is a crisis going on in your body somewhere.

When we fast we fast for physical and/or spiritual reasons and the effects of fasting are life-giving in both areas of our lives. There is another change to make in our thinking and that is about fasting. We should not think of fasting as a torture. Why? Because when we think that we we won't see fasting as bringing a better quality to our lives both physically and spiritually.

Fasting first began in observance of a holy day; however, it is now used by doctors and in hospitals and others because of the physical change people saw/found in the discipline of fasting. Biblically Jesus said "when" you fast not "if" you fast when He talked about fasting in the Bible. He taught fasting as a discipline. Fasting is God-designed to bring us into a greater knowledge and awareness of Him. Fasting is spiritually right and something we need both spiritually and physically for our bodies to have greater life and health.

It's time to stop letting our flesh rule over us and let God lead us into a better plan - the plan He has for us. It begins with a spiritually and physically fit body and physically fit self! So, what are you waiting for? Why do you and I hesitate to fast? Mostly out of ignorance along with great fear. Fear of what? Fear of the torture, right? But we are not going to think that way any more. We are going to look at the crisis our physical body is in (and for some of us our spiritual body is in) and learn to put fasting into our lives. We are going to learn to be disciplined in this area so that we live a lifestyle of complete health! No more sickness. No more disease. No more out of balance!

Here's to your health!

*Greater Health God's Way, Stormie Omartian, pg. 72

Friday, March 26, 2010

Fasting Defined

Before we look at the different kinds of fasts, let's define fasting:

The American Heritage College Dictionary defines fasting as 1.) To abstain from food; 2.) To eat very little or abstain from certain foods, especially as a religious discipline...

The Revell Concise Bible Dictionary defines fasting as 1.) Going without food and/or water; 2.) Consuming only water and simple foods. It also says, "Many biblical fasts lasted for a day, from sunrise to sunset; some continued for several days. Individuals often fasted when in the grip of some crisis or strong emotion. Public fasting was associated with national repentance. These fasts were typically accompanied by confession and by earnest appeal to God in prayer.

You could say that just by our eating vegan we are fasting daily! Many continue to eat their meats and sweets without a thought of how it affects their bodies until they are in a crisis! We've already made a change in our diet but there is more we can do. We will look tomorrow at the different kinds of fasts and look more into the physical and biblical reasons we choose to fast.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


We've talked about balance before. Not just a pH balance, but also an all-around balance in our lifestyle. Our activities should be balanced to bring about good rest and peace in our lives, our water intake and the food we eat should be balanced to bring our body the nutrients it needs to have life, and our spiritual life should be balanced beginning with a solid foundation built on Christ. There is also more to it than this; you can go deeper, especially in those weaker moments in areas of your life where you are desperate. Cleansing. This is involves the process of fasting. Three or four times a year is great but even better is to learn to live a fasted life and do it on a regular basis. This process of fasting is good for the physical body and the spiritual body. We'll discuss the different kinds of fasts tomorrow.

Here's to your health!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Too Much Waste

Again we have this from Stormie Omartian, Greater Health God's Way, page 71:

"I've heard it said by experts in the field that people carry between five and twenty pounds of toxic poisons and wastes inside of them. Shocking isn't it? But if all those poisons don't get out, our body breaks down under the stress, we become sick, and personal relationships are affected."

"Toxic waste builds up in your body when you eat too many impure, processed, foodless foods and don't give your body a chance to rest and get rid of them. The body will naturally try to purify and cleanse itself. If you help it by providing food the way God made it, exercise, rest, fresh air and sunshine, plenty of water, regular fasting, and a good attitude, you will have a clean bloodstream and a healthy body."

Here's to your health!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Must Watch

The Miraculous Self-Healing Body! This is a DVD that you can purchase from Hallelujah Acres and it will show you, tell you, and teach you all from experts how miraculous our body is - it is a self-healing body - God designed it that way - He knew we would need it because of a world deteriorating around us! Some day we'll not need this body we have, we'll have brand new bodies but for now we need to keep the body we have, as miraculous as it is, in tip-top shape!

Place your order at and use referral number DXW.

Here's to your health!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Self-Healing Bodies

We must remember that our bodies are self-healing when given the chance!

From Dr. George Malkmus, God's Way to Ultimate Health, page 65:

"Many people today believe they can dump anything they want into their bodies and that this garbage has nothing to do with their physical well-being. They also believe that when they get sick all they have to do is take some drug to remove that sickness. If we are going to be able to eliminate our present physical problems and live in abundant health, we must turn away from this kind of thinking."

"Sickness is the result of unhealthy living and if health is to be restored, we must remove the causes of the illness and supply the conditions for health. Healing is a normal biological process programmed into our DNA, but to make it happen we must remove the causes of our physical problems. No true healing can take place without first removing the cause and then providing the body with its simple, basic needs so it can restore itself."

"Sickness is usually not God's judgment upon us nor simply bad luck, but something we created ourselves by failing to observe God's natural laws. If we desire abundant health we must do more than wish or pray for it. We must make a commitment to good health by applying a diet and lifestyle that will produce it. More and more Americans are realizing that the medical/drug approach does not produce health."

Health - it's a matter of choice - yours!
Here's to your health!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

pH Balance

An excerpt from God's Way to Ultimate Health by Dr. George H. Malkmus says this about pH balance (pg. 53-54, 157-158):

"...In order for our cells to function properly, they must have a healthy environment. This includes maintaining a body temperature of 98.6 degrees; maintaining a proper acid / alkaline balance of about 7.4 pH; providing the cells with pure air and water, all necessary minerals, and keeping the cells free from stress. If we can keep the fluids surrounding our cells free of toxic waste, at proper temperature and pH, provide them with pure water, a sufficient and balanced supply of minerals, and keep them free from stress, the cells will live, function and re-create themselves without any problems. Dr. West concludes in The Golden Seven Plus One that '... if the fluid medium in and around the cells was right, it would be impossible to damage or kill cells.'"

"... Healthy cells require healthy food. Healthy food is food eaten just as close to the way God make it as possible ... and that means RAW!!! Every step in the processing of food takes it further from the way God intended our cells to be nourished, and this includes the cooking of food! Man is the only member of the animal kingdom that destroys his food before he eats it!"

"Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, in his book Green Barley Essence, notes that on the cellular level, our bodies relive the 'drama of creation millions of times every day, as the cells which form our tissue are reborn in countless succession in the life-sustaining chain.' He says, ' the most delicate of conditions must prevail' for this constant recreation of life to be carried on, and that a 'balance and maintenance of minerals is the key to health.'"

"Minerals also help maintain the pH balance between acid and alkaline. Dr. Hagiwara warns, 'should this balance be upset, the cell metabolism suffers, leading to conditions such as fatigue.'

"Perhaps the most important advantage to maintaining an alkaline internal environment is that alkalinity is detrimental to the survival of disease organisms and cancer cells. Dr. Hagiwara also believes alkalinity is a critical factor in normalizing blood-sugar regulation and the proper functioning of enzymes...'"

"We do not know of a more alkaline food than barley grass juice. Spinach is considered to be one of the most alkaline of all foods, but Green Barley Essence (BarleyMax) is more than 50 percent more alkaline than spinach... There are 16 different vitamins in organically grown and properly processed barley juice powder including the anti-oxidants beta-carotene (which becomes vitamin A in the body), vitamin C and vitamin E, along with a full range of the B-complex vitamins. To be effective, vitamins must come from a natural, rather than synthetic source... Proteins are provided in high quantity by many vegetables, and Dr. Hagiwara says it is a false assumption that meat is a better protein source... Meat contains crude protein, whereas green juices contains light-weight protein molecules that are more usable by our bodies...The chlorophyll in barley grass juice has powerful anti-inflammatory, deodorizing and germicidal properties."

The list goes on and on, but my point here is to keep the body at a pH balance and keep your blood clean. As you can read above the main living food for raw and healthy fuel would be a barley grass juice! "Dr. Hagiwara notes the reputation for endurance of cattle and horses; they work to exhaustion and then find renewed energy after feeding on grass, 'due presumably to potassium and many other nutrients' in the grass." I haven't watched many cattle lately, but I have watched my dog or cat at times and what do they do for extra nourishment? Eat the grass in the yard! Green food is a must. We need living plant foods. Why not try a barley grass juice - try BarleyMax and keep your body pH balanced.

BarleyMax can be purchased at Please use referral number DXW when you place your order.

P.S. If you don't like the taste of grass, BarleyMax now comes in flavors! Take your pick today - as for me, I like the natural grass flavor and my body has learned to crave it on a daily basis! I can't live without it! Literally!!!

Here's to your health!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Life is in the Blood

This excerpt is from GREATER HEALTH GOD'S WAY, by Stormie Omartian, page 69-70:

"We have sixty trillion cells in our bodies. (I don't know who counted them.) Every cell lives for a limited time before it reproduces itself and dies. Every three months we get a new bloodstream, every eleven months each cell in our body has been renewed, and every two years we get a new bone structure. Do you realize that by eating correctly for approximately two years, you could have a whole new body? I don't mean that you could all of a sudden look like someone else, but you could certainly be a totally new you. Isn't that encouraging?"

"The idea behind good health is to keep your blood clean through proper foods, plus exercise, plenty of water, fasting and prayer, fresh air and sunshine, and peaceful, stress-free living. Eating food the way God make it affects the blood by cleansing it from impurities and by supplying it with all the nutrients necessary to rebuild cells. The Lord's way of eating will keep your blood clean and healthy, and this will automatically protect you from infection. A dirty bloodstream is the main cause of illness and premature aging. When the bloodstream is pure and alkaline, it will dissolve all poisons and carry them away. Disease cannot live in a clean bloodstream. Disease breeds in a dirty bloodstream."

"Keeping the bloodstream clean, and the body healthy, requires personal discipline. You must supervise what goes into your stomach. How are you feeding your sixty trillion cells? Are they being fed food that has no vitamins, minerals, or digestive enzymes? Are they being fed food that is so devitalized that your body has to spend precious energy just trying to rid itself of poisonous wastes and repair the damage that your food has done?"

Eat for your body's health! Eat to live! Learn to discipline yourself and eat right foods that fuel your body. Listen to your body; it is talking to you. It is starved for nutritional foods! Without proper fuel for the body the bloodstream becomes dirty and you become unhealthy. Choose life - life is in the blood!

Here's to your health!
Leviticus 17:11

Friday, March 19, 2010

Processed or Pure Food

Which will it be? Will you continue to eat processed, chemical-laden, dead and dead to the body foods or choose to eat pure, whole, raw, living foods that God intended for you to eat for fuel from the very beginning? You can choose to go the world's way but then you will have the world's results. God has a better plan! His plan is for your health - physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, relationally, financially and any other "ally" you can think of! Choose life - choose God's way! Choose pure, whole, raw, living foods for your body - remember, it's His temple and He is living in you!

Here's to your health!
See Genesis 1:29 and I Corinthians 6:19-20

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Hallelujah Diet

The Hallelujah Diet is a raw diet with the 85-15 percent rule of raw and cooked foods. George Malkmus, founder of Hallelujah Acres, recommends and teaches this diet all over the world. His website is listed below for any further information you may like to investigate. I am a trained Health Minister of Hallelujah Acres and eat this way myself. Here are the basic recommendations for this diet:

Upon rising, take one serving of Barley Max.*

Breakfast : No cooked foods or foods containing fiber at this meal, as they hinder the cleansing process while the body eliminates accumulated toxins.

Mid-Morning Snack: an 8-ounce glass of vegetable juice

Before lunch, have another serving of Barley Max.* Thirty minutes later, eat either a raw vegetable salad or raw fruit.

Lunch: This should also be an uncooked meal. Fruit should be limited to no more than 15% of total daily intake.

Mid-Afternoon Snack: 8-ounce glass of vegetable juice

Before dinner, have another serving of Barley Max.* Thirty minutes later, eat a large green salad of leaf lettuce and a variety of vegetables. Then, eat a baked potato, brown rice, steamed veggies, whole grain pasta, or a veggie sandwich on whole grain bread.

Dinner: Do not eat head lettuce, as it has very little nutritional value. Remember to eat cooked food once a day and limit to 15% of diet. Lunch and dinner meal can be switched.

If desired, eat a piece of juicy, fresh fruit or a glass of organic apple juice

Evening Snack: Keep it simple - remember your list of sweets found

This is a great way to eat and let me tell you, "it works! You will be healthier, feel great and live longer!" You will find many testimonies on Hallelujah Acres website - or in his book God's Way to Ultimate Health. Please remember that you heard it here on Your Best 4 Health and use the referral number DXW. Thanks and here's to your health!

*Barley Max - the quickest way to restore the body to wellness is raw juices of which Barley Max is one! George Malkmus says this, "The reason I supplement my diet with Barley Max is that our food today is being grown for the most part in very deficient soils that often lack all the nutrients our body needs for building new, strong, healthy, vital, vibrant cells. Barley Max is grown organically and contains the widest spectrum of nutrients available today from a single source that I am aware of. It is also loaded with enzymes. I consider it the single, most important food I put into my body each day and always consume at least 3 teaspoons of it a day." See God's Way to Ultimate Health by George Malkmus, pg. 92