Saturday, July 10, 2010

Do Your Best

As you make positive changes in your lifestyle for your health you may find it's not as easy as you first thought it would be, but know this: Whatever you do, however much you have made changes for the better, don't let the enemy or anyone else come in and take away your progress - keep moving forward and when you come to a stand-still? Stand strong. When it's time to move on you move on. You know when you've done your best and given your all. Just don't stop. Proceed in the direction of a healthy lifestyle each and every day even if some days it's only in your thinking that you see the progress, it will come.

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, July 9, 2010

How's Your Thinking?

The healthier you think you are, the healthier you'll be.
As a man thinketh so is he.
No more stinkin' thinkin'.

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Show Me

Show me. Show me more. Show me more of what I can do. Show me the responsibility I have in being a faithful student. One who marches to the sound of the One who loves me and cares for me. The One who created me and knew me before I was ever even in the womb of my mother. I have been given fruit. One of which is self-control and therefore I shall discipline myself to develop it in me spiritually, physically, relationally, financially, and emotionally and be all I can be and all I am supposed to be for His glory. This self-control is a fruit and I have gone out on a limb to get it and to use it. It is now mine and I am responsible to do right by it. Self-control is a part of my lifestyle as are all the fruit of the Spirit He has placed within me. (Galatians 5:22-25)

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Desert Places

No, I did not say dessert places! But, here is a word of caution. It is in those desert places that we head for the dessert! or carbs! or whatever munchie delight we can find...

All of us will have desert places throughout the process of our daily lives. This is natural. What we need to learn is how to handle life when we are in those desert places. One thing we don't do is lap up the king's delicacies or rich foods that we have learned to avoid when we're going strong and not in a desert place. Why blow it for that short span of life when we can choose other alternatives that see us through and with great success instead of failure or setbacks.

If you're going to go through it with pity, anger or lack of self-control, at least choose a healthy habit or some newly learned principle that will be of benefit to you! If you simply hate exercising, get mad enough to go out and beat the pavement with tennis shoes running! Go to the gym and beat the "bag" so to speak or get yourself a jump rope and start jumping! If you're wallowing in pity then spend the money on a massage and reap the benefit of "poor me" by getting the knots worked out of you!

Here's a tip: Stop over thinking the mess you're in whether you made it or someone else did and know that "He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land (or desert place) and He will strengthen your frame." That's from Isaiah 58. Know this, God is always there for you and He will hold you up! It's Christ in you the hope of glory that has given you His "living water" that makes you like a "well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Hallelujah!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Getting Discouraged

Sometimes we get discouraged, but we shouldn't. Getting discouraged only makes it harder on us. It's better to keep going and do so with joy. Each day is a new day and upon rising we can say, "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" (Psalm 118:24) Really mean it, too. You may not start out that way, but fake it 'til you make it! Make it happen and it will. You will see each new day get better and better. Choose to make your day a great day every day!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rest in Him - Listen to Him

Just like your emotions will talk to you, there are "others" talking to you as well. We talk to ourselves. The devil talks to us. God talks to us. What voices are you listening to? The devil will plant wrong thoughts in your mind and then we dwell on them and get tempted by them and off we go into his world of evil thinking and wrong doing. God talks to us through the Holy Spirit and through His Word to show us what to do and where to go and how to do it but we don't, won't, or often aren't listening. We talk to ourselves. Sometimes out loud. Sometimes inside ourselves. What are you saying to yourself? We don't listen to our emotions. We don't listen to the devil or anything or anyone he may use to talk to us and we don't want to listen to ourselves unless we are saying the right things. Listen to God. His still, soft voice you know or maybe you need to get to know His voice. Listen to Him. Rest in Him. The rest you need is not only in your hours of sleep but it is to rest in Him. Matthew 11:28 tells us to, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." It continues with, "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Jesus gives true rest. Rest easy in Him and trust Him.

Here's to your health~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Sad Mad Glad

Stop it! Stop eating out of your emotions! Our emotions often trigger "something" - an addiction - and it's off to the refrigerator or cupboard we go looking! It could be "something" other than food as well! This is not having control over your own body. This is your body in control of you! It's time to stop and meditate on these times and ask questions. Who? What? Why? You may want to write your thoughts down and begin to journal. You will see the patterns of your choices that have developed over the years in your life better this way.

It's time to stop making excuses or blaming whatever it is you're blaming and get on with it! Take responsibility for your own actions and stop eating those foods when your emotions are talking to you! Start making a change for good health and break the bad habits you now have - choose life! Exercise for life! Make it a new exercise to stop every time your emotions want to do something and do something healthy instead! Take control of your life and live it in health!

Here's to your health~
with your best 4 health in mind!