Saturday, January 16, 2010

Choosing a Juicer - Their Differences

Vegetable juices provide our cells with the most powerful building materials available so don't skimp when it comes to juicing!

The most popular but not necessarily the best juicer is the centrifugal juicer. These juicers are more popular because they are less costly than other types available. They will work for you but they don't exactly give you the best quality juice. These types of juicers have a spinning basket with knife-like blades. As the basket spins, the carrot is rapidly shredded and the juice is bombarded with oxygen causing oxidation. Think of an apple you've cut and set out on the counter awhile. The browning you see on the apple is the apple loosing nutrients caused by oxidation. The juice from a centrifugal juicer has no keeping power and must be consumed immediately. This is because of the oxidation that takes place in a centrifugal juicer. Thus, there is a rapid loss of nutrients and enzymes in the juice. You still will benefit from this type of juicer over having none and if you have one of these centrifugal juicers, don't throw it out, start juicing! However, you may want to save and purchase one of the others we will discuss next.

The Champion Juicer and the Green Star Juicer are two excellent choices. Juice from these two machines is longer lasting. The juice from the Champion Juicer can be stored for up to 24 hours and the Green Star Juicer juice for up to three days in the refrigerator, of course. This is very convenient so that you have your juice for the day or even the next day without having to juice every day. These juicers will last you decades whereas the centrifugal juicers do wear out with daily use year after year.

The Champion Juicer is a masticating juicer with spinning knife blades similar to the centrifugal but without the basket and with a smaller cylinder to keep down oxidation.

The Green Star Juicer is unique because it is the only juicer without a spinning basket or knife blades. It has two stainless steel gears. Rather than cutting up the food for juice, it presses nutrients out of the food with very little oxidation and greater keeping power. This juicer is capable of providing ten more ounces of juice for every five pounds of carrots.

I do believe it's always best to make the juice right before you are going to drink it, rather than making large batches and storing the juice for future use. That is another reason the centrifugal juicer is so popular. It's also somewhat easier to juice with and to clean. However, there are many other advantages to the Champion Juicer and Green Star Juicer. These juicers are also good in providing their "services" for recipes in making fruit or nut butters, pate's, sorbets and, yes, even ice cream!

You've got to get a juicer you'll use, and you've got to use it every day. Make juicing a way of life.

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