Monday, January 25, 2010

Cool, Clear, Clean Water

Water is absolutely essential for your survival! Almost every part of your body needs it to function and live. Unlike food where you can go weeks without it, you can only go a few days without water. The nutritional rule is: 8 8-oz. glasses of water a day. Why, you may ask?

"The average male needs approximately 2,900 milliliters of water per day (12 8-oz. cups) to maintain hydration. The average female needs approximately 2,200 milliliters per day (9 8-oz. cups). Solid food can provide about 1,000 milliliters (4 cups) of water per day. Need for fluids can dramatically change when considering different climates, varying levels of exercise, age, etc."*

How do you know if you are dehydrated or not? "An easy way to determine whether you are receiving enough fluids is to check the color of your urine. If it is darkly colored, you are most likely dehydrated. Except for first thing in the morning, your urine throughout the day should be light yellow to clear. An exception to this rule is if you are taking vitamins, since vitamins can impact color of your urine. Slowly increasing your fluid intake is important as it allows your bladder to accommodate more liquid."* Otherwise, you may find yourself in the bathroom every hour on the hour, so increase fluids in your body slowly. In other words, don't go from drinking none or one glass a day to all eight glasses! Slow intake is essential to restoring balance and health in the body.

If you think you can tell that you are dehydrated by how thirsty you are, think again, as your body often times is already 2% dehydrated before your thirst kicks in!

It may seem boring at first, but stick to water for fluids. There are so many choices on the market today but most are loaded with calories, additional sugar, and will increase sweet craving when artificial sugars are present. Make your choice cool, clear, clean water. This small change in your lifestyle can make a big difference in your health!

Like our foods, our water sources today have changed tremendously. Municipal water supplies add chlorine and other toxic substances to our water for purification of bacteria, yes, but not good for the body, water wells today take in pesticides and other "esticides" that aren't good for our bodies either. So, good, you've been drinking bottled water now for years, right? All bottled waters are not the same. Many are natural spring waters and have these same chemicals or these same chemicals have been added to the water for the same reasons!

"Distilled water is the most reliable source these days for clean drinking and cooking water. It is produced by boiling water and condensing the steam in a cooling coil that drips the water into a collector. Distilling water removes most harmful chemicals and pathogens because they aren't take up into the cooling coil with the steam; they're left behind in the boiler. Besides being free of contaminants, distilled water has the added benefit of being the best solvent for cleansing body tissues and joints because it has no suspended solid particles. It will tend to absorb toxic particles from your tissues more aggressively than mineral water and certainly more than tap water."** You can buy distilled water or purchase your very own quality home water still! See website below.

Remember, by eating your raw, live vegetables and fruits you will get some of your necessary water intake. That's the best thing! The next best thing is to sip on a glass of water all day long. It's just better for you that way all around. You'll have a hydrated body that will assist all parts of your body for your best health!

*Taken from A Recipe for Life by the Doctor's Dietitian, Susan Dopart, M.S., R. D. with Jeffrey M. Batchelor

** Taken from The Hallelujah Diet Experience the Optimal Health You Were Meant to Have, by George Malkmus with Peter and Stowe Shockey

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