Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Did you know your body talks to you? Have you listened to your body lately? Maybe you don't understand what your body is trying to tell you. You know the sounds and affects your body gives you when you've over eaten. It gurgles and tumbles and grumbles. And how about when you're just plain hungry? Your stomach grumbles and growls. The rest of your body does what your stomach does. It talks to you. Sickness and disease are another way your body is talking to you. Are you listening? Did you hear? What are you doing about it?

Most the time we simply cover up the symptoms with some sort of food or a pill. The body still cries out for help. Don't ignore your body's talk. A good cleanse is a good start because most of the time our body is simply overloaded with toxins and wants to rid itself of them, that's all. If you're going to detox then why not fast? It will bring relief and your body will thank you.

Fasting will turn your life and your health around. Fasting allows your body to heal by giving it a time to rest. We often prolong our illnesses by eating wrong, going back to work too soon and not getting enough rest when necessary. Rest is actually one of the principles for a healthy lifestyle that we will talk about later on but with fasting comes a "body rest".

Now this will sound a little funny after talking about resting your body with a fast, but fasting will also boost your energy. So, with the rest it's also an energy booster! You see, once your body has rid itself of all the toxins and junk, it's rejuvenated and ready to go! So let's dump the waste and get on with it!

There are total fasts and partial fasts and water fasts and juice fasts or vegetables only fasts and even TV fasts! Yes, try getting away from the TV for three days or a week or more!

Total fasts are not recommended. This would mean placing nothing in your mouth for whatever allotted time period and this is not good for the body. Your body needs to have something put in it - at least two quarts of water a day to sustain life! A human being can only live a few days without water.

A water fast can be very severe and is generally not recommended. With this fast you cannot do much else but the fast itself. Water fasting weakens the body. Do not attempt a water fast without first consulting with your doctor.

Juice fasting is the best kind of fast to go on. You are able to nourish the body and still cleanse the body at the same time with a juice fast. This makes it very beneficial and less strenuous on the body. It doesn't hurt to check with your physician before beginning any fast. The Great Physician knows best, of course!

A fast can be as simple as skipping one meal (especially for those of you who have never fasted before) or three or seven days in a row of not eating. Very few people do longer fasts, however, the Bible tells us of some forty-day fasts. Start slowly. This is to benefit your body not destroy it!

In the Book of Daniel, Chapter One, you can read about his fast. He refused to eat the delicacies or rich foods or wrong foods and was proven a healthier specimen when the test was over. He ate his vegetables that's all! He's also the one who lived through being thrown in the lion's den. Remember that from Sunday school?

A variety of juices are recommended along with water. This is so your body will get various vitamins and minerals and be well nourished. Get creative with your juices. I found a blended cauliflower soup on a tea box one time when I was fasting and it was just the boost I needed at the time. It was also delicious! When I fast for health I also fast for spiritual reasons as well because I believe the two go better together. One time when I was doing a fast this way I became very week but my reason for fasting spiritually was very important for me not to break my fast... so I sought the Lord and He brought me to His table, communion. One small cup of grape juice and a saltine cracker and being with the Lord gave me strength to finish my fast and reap huge rewards!

Take the next step... fast. Make it a yearly, monthly or weekly new lifestyle habit! You will be energized when you do!

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