Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fresh Air and Sunshine

These are two principles for health! We have talked some about fresh air and what you can do especially for your lungs. Deep breathing exercises! You can do this even when you are sitting at a desk or walking around! Get that oxygen flowing!

Our next principle goes hand in hand with fresh air and that's sunshine. Get out in it! Not for hours necessarily because you don't want to burn, but for at least 20 minutes a day. This is a natural way to provide your body with Vitamin D. Sunshine also lowers blood pressure, lowers our resting heart rate, helps destroy funguses and yeast infections, triggers our bodies to store glycogen, lowers our overall blood sugar, relieves our stress and relaxes us, and it strengthens our immune system.

Did you know that our bodies have built-in protection from the dangerous parts of the sun's radiation? Melanin is a pigment that healthy skin produces when exposed in the sun. Common sense is always needed when out in the sun -moderations should be exercised, but get some sun daily for your best health! Healthy doses of sun are essential for vibrant health!

Here's to your health!

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