Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Best Foods

Over time, even since the Egyptians of old to modern man today, it has been discovered there is a common denominator and that common denominator when it comes to food is the rich man's diet. It causes the same sicknesses and diseases in man and it kills. The diet found in God's Garden, the Garden of Eden, was perfect and it was not just a suggestion. Man was to eat as his food fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains - "I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food."

There is a "safety net" today for us when it comes to our food we eat. It's in Genesis 1:29. When we eat to live and eat the foods that God gave us to eat in the beginning we are in His safety net. By being in His safety net we shall not get sick or find diseases in our body and we shall live a long, healthy life... or we will recover and restore an unhealthy body to life! Hallelujah!

Even when God allowed meat after the flood with Noah and his family we see that it was something out of necessity and that people who eat meat or even follow the Leviticus Law do not get the same results as those who eat according to God's perfect plan in the Garden.

We each get to choose - we can eat that which we want to eat, but what will give us the best - God's best? Make the change for His best - choose life! Eat healthy, fresh, raw, whole, living foods!

Here's to your health~
With your best 4 health in mind!

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