Monday, June 7, 2010

About Exercise

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for April, May, and June 2010, from the Seventh-Day Adventist Church has all great devotionals on the nine principles for a healthy lifestyle. In discussing exercise in one of the devotionals, it reminds us about three points needed to be kept in our minds with any exercise program. They are frequency, intensity, and duration. Here's what we read on April 15th:

1. Frequency. Currently, recommendations for optimal health and fitness suggest that we should exercise at least six times a week.

2. Intensity. The appropriate intensity of exercise will vary depending upon your age and medical condition. Over time, if you are consistent, you will be able to exercise harder and harder. It's good to get your heart beating faster and to work up a sweat. You have to pace yourself. What works for one person might not work for another.

3. Duration. It is estimated that 45-90 minutes of exercise per day is great. It would be beneficial if exercise were at least done for 30 minutes, six days per week. The exercise time may be divided into portions. For example, 10 minutes each morning, midday, and evening. It should be arranged to suit your program. Walking is an excellent and sustainable form of exercise.

And it goes on to say:

"There are many proven benefits of exercise. Regular exercise helps control weight. It is beneficial in helping to reduce high blood pressure and an important adjunct to any medical therapy for high blood pressure (under medical supervision and guidance). When exercise is regularly performed, there is a decreased incidence of Type 2 diabetes. Additional benefits to heart health include the fact that regular exercise improved the protective, healthy high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).

Regular exercise gives one an improved feeling of well-being. This occurs partly through chemicals called endorphins, which the body produces during exercise. Exercise has been associated with delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease, and it generally improves mental performance. People who exercise regularly have less depression. Exercise plays a role in the prevention of breast and colon cancer. The benefits are many and varied."

Thank you! Thank you, Seventh-Day Adventists!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

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