Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You are My Sunshine

Have you ever noticed that those who light up our lives the most have such energy? What kind of energy do they have? Where do they find this energy? Where does it - energy - come from?

The Word of God is our greatest source of energy. When we read it, it will bring to mind again and again our Biblical foundation and the Biblical principles we choose to live by - this life in Christ energizes us beyond what we are able - He takes over and does in us what we can't do on our own - it's His energy and His power alive in us! Although many years ago we crucified this Son, today we know better and we receive Him for who He is or can be - the "Sonshine" of our lives!

Another source of energy comes from the sun. This sunshine has gotten a bad wrap from prior years of people spending too much time in the sun and becoming a red beet or burnt lobster. But, the sunshine is actually good for us - it's knowing how much sunshine and when. The worse times to be out in the sun are between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. - so if you would be out in the sun it would be best to go out in the early morning hours before 10 a.m. or again sometime after 2 or 3 in the afternoon. However, when you do go out in the sun it is best not to remain out in it longer than 20 to 30 minutes at a time. If longer period of times in the sun are in your lifestyle, you will want to work up to these times slowly with a steady progression into a tanned body that adjusts to the sun. Proper diet helps our bodies tolerate more exposure to the sun. This energy - a mixture of the sun's rays (our exposure to sunlight) and our bodies chemistry or makeup - uniquely designed by God that it is - makes a concoction of what is called vitamin D (it's actually a hormone that your body is stimulated to make when your skin is exposed to sunlight). You don't need cow's milk fortified with vitamin D or any supplement - get out in the sunshine each day!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

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