Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rest in Him - Listen to Him

Just like your emotions will talk to you, there are "others" talking to you as well. We talk to ourselves. The devil talks to us. God talks to us. What voices are you listening to? The devil will plant wrong thoughts in your mind and then we dwell on them and get tempted by them and off we go into his world of evil thinking and wrong doing. God talks to us through the Holy Spirit and through His Word to show us what to do and where to go and how to do it but we don't, won't, or often aren't listening. We talk to ourselves. Sometimes out loud. Sometimes inside ourselves. What are you saying to yourself? We don't listen to our emotions. We don't listen to the devil or anything or anyone he may use to talk to us and we don't want to listen to ourselves unless we are saying the right things. Listen to God. His still, soft voice you know or maybe you need to get to know His voice. Listen to Him. Rest in Him. The rest you need is not only in your hours of sleep but it is to rest in Him. Matthew 11:28 tells us to, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." It continues with, "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Jesus gives true rest. Rest easy in Him and trust Him.

Here's to your health~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Sad Mad Glad

Stop it! Stop eating out of your emotions! Our emotions often trigger "something" - an addiction - and it's off to the refrigerator or cupboard we go looking! It could be "something" other than food as well! This is not having control over your own body. This is your body in control of you! It's time to stop and meditate on these times and ask questions. Who? What? Why? You may want to write your thoughts down and begin to journal. You will see the patterns of your choices that have developed over the years in your life better this way.

It's time to stop making excuses or blaming whatever it is you're blaming and get on with it! Take responsibility for your own actions and stop eating those foods when your emotions are talking to you! Start making a change for good health and break the bad habits you now have - choose life! Exercise for life! Make it a new exercise to stop every time your emotions want to do something and do something healthy instead! Take control of your life and live it in health!

Here's to your health~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Health and Our Emotions

We face our emotions every day in everything we do. To be in good emotional health means to be in control of your emotions - your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We must learn to accept the responsibility of our own choices. We must also learn the difference in how we choose. We can make the wrong one and suffer or choose the correct answer or right way and be blessed by it. Here are some personal questions to ponder and determine where you are in handling your emotions:

What kind of attitude do you have about yourself? Your body type? The way God designed you? Your eating habits? Your exercise rountine? When and where you sleep? How much you like the outdoors? Do you have a bad attitude or a positive attitude toward yourself? Toward health?

Having a positive, godly attitude will make a difference in your life. You will always have choices to make in life. Choose life!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another Tid Bit on Cleansing

When talking about the colon and elimination one can't forget to mention the stool. What is a "normal" stool suppose to look like? Here you are: it should be approximately in length 12" - measure from your wrist to you elbow and that should do it. Usually your stool will be about 2" in diameter and it should float! The other amazing thing about a "normal" stool is that it should disintegrate when it is flushed! Now I know you don't always look at your stool, and you don't have to, because this is something you will feel and feel better about!

Now that you know that, know this: you should have a bowel movement at lease 3 times a day - yes, you heard me correctly - three times a day! Think about it. You should have to go after every meal you eat. The waste needs to be eliminated within 24 hours if not sooner or it will putrefy in your gut!

That's the end of this topic for today:
Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cleanse By All Means

Not only is it necessary for cleansing on the outside, it's necessary to cleanse our body on the inside. Most of us haven't been educated to know that what we eat affects our elimination process or we simply don't want to think about that and so we ignore what we know or what we could learn about it.

I know. I wasn't a bit interested in my health class in Jr. High School. Now? Now I would like to go back and have Mr. Health Teacher explain it all over again to me! Our bodies are amazing and made uniquely by God Himself who formed us in our Mother's womb and even knew us before we were in our Mother's womb! That's incomprehensible!

Besides our skin, organs, cells, and blood, just think of the different systems for processing life that are involved in the human body. There's our blood system, our breathing system, and our digestive system, which brings me back to our elimination! Our elimination system is very necessary to the body. I really don't know that this was discussed much back in Health Class 101 at my Jr. High School, but it is something we should know about. Most of us think of simple doing it and getting it over with so we can go back to whatever it was we were doing that was much more important.

However, out of all the organs that bring about eliminating toxins, gases and poisons from our body - such as the skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, ears and nose - the bowels, our large and small intestines are our topic for discussion today. Specifically the colon and the job it has. Simply put, the colon is to remove water from fecal matter and expel that from your body. What we eat affects the efficiency of this process. An unhealthy colon can cause numerous problems and is a major source of toxins in the body. A healthy colon is necessary for the body to function properly. You need to cooperate with this elimination system by supporting it with food that will help it function powerfully and properly. You must also drink lots of clean water and juices through the day to assist the colon function.

There are colon-cleansing herbal blends to assist the body in removing the dead incrusted fecal matter that has built up in your colon after so many years of ignoring the information you are now learning. These are very helpful. You use this because the walls of the colon can be caked with fecal matter that's like cemented on! Without some-sort of aide to help flush and wash the colon clean it will remain there for life! This eventually leads to disease, which can then lead to premature death.

Once the colon is cleaned out you can maintain it with the proper foods, water, juices and nine principles working together. Don't ignore your colon and it's elimination process to keep the body cleansed any more!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rise and Breathe Deeply

After a good nights rest we wake from shallow breathing and in opening up our lungs we need to breathe deeply. Do an exercise daily as soon as you rise by taking in oxygen with some deep breathing. Inhale and hold about 10 seconds and as you let out your breath make it last about 10 seconds. Do this as many times as you can to let in oxygen and open up the mind.

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You are My Sunshine

Have you ever noticed that those who light up our lives the most have such energy? What kind of energy do they have? Where do they find this energy? Where does it - energy - come from?

The Word of God is our greatest source of energy. When we read it, it will bring to mind again and again our Biblical foundation and the Biblical principles we choose to live by - this life in Christ energizes us beyond what we are able - He takes over and does in us what we can't do on our own - it's His energy and His power alive in us! Although many years ago we crucified this Son, today we know better and we receive Him for who He is or can be - the "Sonshine" of our lives!

Another source of energy comes from the sun. This sunshine has gotten a bad wrap from prior years of people spending too much time in the sun and becoming a red beet or burnt lobster. But, the sunshine is actually good for us - it's knowing how much sunshine and when. The worse times to be out in the sun are between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. - so if you would be out in the sun it would be best to go out in the early morning hours before 10 a.m. or again sometime after 2 or 3 in the afternoon. However, when you do go out in the sun it is best not to remain out in it longer than 20 to 30 minutes at a time. If longer period of times in the sun are in your lifestyle, you will want to work up to these times slowly with a steady progression into a tanned body that adjusts to the sun. Proper diet helps our bodies tolerate more exposure to the sun. This energy - a mixture of the sun's rays (our exposure to sunlight) and our bodies chemistry or makeup - uniquely designed by God that it is - makes a concoction of what is called vitamin D (it's actually a hormone that your body is stimulated to make when your skin is exposed to sunlight). You don't need cow's milk fortified with vitamin D or any supplement - get out in the sunshine each day!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Monday, June 7, 2010

About Exercise

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for April, May, and June 2010, from the Seventh-Day Adventist Church has all great devotionals on the nine principles for a healthy lifestyle. In discussing exercise in one of the devotionals, it reminds us about three points needed to be kept in our minds with any exercise program. They are frequency, intensity, and duration. Here's what we read on April 15th:

1. Frequency. Currently, recommendations for optimal health and fitness suggest that we should exercise at least six times a week.

2. Intensity. The appropriate intensity of exercise will vary depending upon your age and medical condition. Over time, if you are consistent, you will be able to exercise harder and harder. It's good to get your heart beating faster and to work up a sweat. You have to pace yourself. What works for one person might not work for another.

3. Duration. It is estimated that 45-90 minutes of exercise per day is great. It would be beneficial if exercise were at least done for 30 minutes, six days per week. The exercise time may be divided into portions. For example, 10 minutes each morning, midday, and evening. It should be arranged to suit your program. Walking is an excellent and sustainable form of exercise.

And it goes on to say:

"There are many proven benefits of exercise. Regular exercise helps control weight. It is beneficial in helping to reduce high blood pressure and an important adjunct to any medical therapy for high blood pressure (under medical supervision and guidance). When exercise is regularly performed, there is a decreased incidence of Type 2 diabetes. Additional benefits to heart health include the fact that regular exercise improved the protective, healthy high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).

Regular exercise gives one an improved feeling of well-being. This occurs partly through chemicals called endorphins, which the body produces during exercise. Exercise has been associated with delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease, and it generally improves mental performance. People who exercise regularly have less depression. Exercise plays a role in the prevention of breast and colon cancer. The benefits are many and varied."

Thank you! Thank you, Seventh-Day Adventists!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Just Do It

I am reminded as I go to write about exercise to you of the Nike advertisement logo, "Just do it!" So prior to writing this post, I lay down on the floor and did 25 sit-ups. This is something I have the intention of doing every morning but for some reason it doesn't get done every single morning. It could be that I don't remember it because it is a new habit I am developing, but that is no excuse. I must find a way to trigger my memory and "just do it!" It could be that it's not my favorite thing to do in the morning and so it is at the bottom of my priority list, but that's no excuse. I must put it at the top of my priority list and do it first! It could be that I get too busy in the morning and simply have to run out the door, but that's no excuse. I must get up earlier to allow enough time to do it! Praise the Lord! Get your exercise in each and every single day if only for five, ten or fifteen minutes and don't let anything get in the way of it - just do it!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Celebrating My Body

In Psalm 139 and reading verses 12 through 15 I am encouraged to take good care of my body. Simply knowing that God Himself formed me and made me for who and what I am not only gives me purpose for living, but it also encourages me to care for this wonderfully made, marvelously made, and praiseworthy body I live in. It is the temple for the Holy Spirit to reside in and I have the responsibility to exercise it, cleanse it, feed it, and manage it properly - all for the glory of my God!

Here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Think About Water

Think about all the places you find water? Rivers, lakes, oceans, waterways and canals... a faucet right in your own home! Think about how water affects all aspects of life? All living creatures, man, a ship with cargo, export and import, the list goes on... What are some of the ways we use water today? My first thoughts are of pioneers carrying buckets of water to their campsites or African women who carry pots of water on their heads long distances. I see a well or a pump at a log home on the great frontier long ago. I can see a waterwheel distributing water to many farms or resently living in a metropolitan city we had a water/sewer company close by and the water came running down a cement waterway; an intriguing site to see. Just thinking about water I see a new modern faucet advertised with water just pouring out of it beaconing someone to take a cool, refreshing drink. Water flows throughout the land and brings to it life. Now that I've made myself thirsty, I think I'll get myself a drink of water...

here's to your health ~
with your best 4 health in mind!