Thursday, February 4, 2010

Let's Talk Stress

Stress is something we all have at times or most times in our lives. What is important is how we handle the choices that bring stress. Yes, we choose. Those "things" that happen in life allow us to choose a positive or negative response. Stress is simply the response to those "things" that are happening to us in life. You see it's not so much what's happening as it is how you respond or handle the situation or circumstance. We can't control all the stress in life, but we can control how we react to it. Our choice will either weaken or strengthen our body.

A negative response through our actions and/or words or both will bring the greatest detriment to the body. When we are continually responding with a negative we will find that it can bring upon us sickness and disease and even cause premature death to us. On the other hand, when we choose to respond with a positive action and words we find that life isn't so bad to us after all and this can strengthen our body. In coping with day-to-day stress, especially the negative, we must find an outlet or source for our inner peace. This is where we can then turn for that positive response to our situation or circumstance. But remember, too, that even positive stress takes a toll on our body and we need to release it in a positive way. An example would be walking into a the office expecting to get to work early with the quiet and everyone's already there hiding in the dark popping out with "Surprise!" That not being what you expected may be a positive but also has to have a place of release and peace.

There is a Source for both! Hallelujah! We go back to our biblical foundation for this. Our Source as a Christian is found in Jesus. His peace passes all understanding and we need to call on His name when we need to release our stress.

Here's to your health!


  1. Hi,

    Stress is a usual problem that most people experience. It could be got from the pressure they get in their lives. Although it is a usual, you need to know on how to manage stress so you will not feel bad when getting it. In fact, it could be managed if you know the right way about it.

    -- Health Care Facts

  2. Amen, sister. Thanks for your comment, Beiju. There needs to be found in each of us a way to release our stress so that we live a healthier lifestyle and don't end our lives short. Stress cannot only take a toll on us physically but kill us if we don't have it under control. Self-control is a virtue.
