Monday, February 15, 2010

Set Some Goals

Most of us are use to doing this at the beginning of the year, setting goals or resolutions. Maybe you did. I did. I started the 60 Days to a Slimmer Waistline with Hallelujah Acres. We are a little more than half way since it was mid-January when we started and I'm on top of the world with a better, healthy me! Sometimes, however, about this time into the year we've forgotten our goals at the beginning of the year and they've gone by the wayside as our busy schedules have interfered.

If you've lost focus, now is the time to step up to the plate and re-evaluate the situation and reset some goals. Make them short term goals - simply a place to start and then in a month or two re-evaluate again. Starting small is as easy as choosing to have your pantry done at the end of this week and then the refrigerator the next week and on week three the counter tops and tabletops (that's if setting up your kitchen to be a healthy place is one of your goals). You could also choose to start by eliminating caffeine out of your diet this week or maybe for the next entire month and then the next week or month, eliminate another one of the killer foods. You don't have to do it all at once. How long did it take you to get where you are? It wasn't overnight now, was it? So, if necessary, take tiny baby steps. For others, your personality would be if you don't jump in 100% you'll never do it - so, go for it! Lay it all out and then jump in with a combination of two or three or all at one time! Just get started!

Here's to your health!

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