Thursday, March 4, 2010

Exercise for Life

Exercise gives life and it is something we do for life. You don't have to go to the gym twice a day or sit in front of a video or DVD for an hour-and-a-half each morning, but you do have to do something! Make it something you enjoy or something you learn to enjoy.

You can begin by just walking. Walking for 20-30 minutes daily would be a great start! Take the dog or the cat with you! They probably need the exercise, too! Take your spouse and make it an enjoyable walk together around the block three times or farther as your body gets use to it. Walk at a good pace but you don't have to run. Do you like music? How about a good sermon? Take your MP3 and get going! The fresh outdoors is good for you, too!

Maybe you have always wanted to join the gym. So do it. Or get out the DVD and start exercising. Your life depends on it. I found that starting with just five or ten sit ups each morning for a week and then adding another five or ten the next week and so on got me to where I was doing 100 sit-up each morning and enjoying it! Surprised? I was, but it worked and I felt alive for doing them - and was healthier for it!

Exercise... here's to your health!

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