Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Too Much Waste

Again we have this from Stormie Omartian, Greater Health God's Way, page 71:

"I've heard it said by experts in the field that people carry between five and twenty pounds of toxic poisons and wastes inside of them. Shocking isn't it? But if all those poisons don't get out, our body breaks down under the stress, we become sick, and personal relationships are affected."

"Toxic waste builds up in your body when you eat too many impure, processed, foodless foods and don't give your body a chance to rest and get rid of them. The body will naturally try to purify and cleanse itself. If you help it by providing food the way God made it, exercise, rest, fresh air and sunshine, plenty of water, regular fasting, and a good attitude, you will have a clean bloodstream and a healthy body."

Here's to your health!

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