Sunday, March 21, 2010

pH Balance

An excerpt from God's Way to Ultimate Health by Dr. George H. Malkmus says this about pH balance (pg. 53-54, 157-158):

"...In order for our cells to function properly, they must have a healthy environment. This includes maintaining a body temperature of 98.6 degrees; maintaining a proper acid / alkaline balance of about 7.4 pH; providing the cells with pure air and water, all necessary minerals, and keeping the cells free from stress. If we can keep the fluids surrounding our cells free of toxic waste, at proper temperature and pH, provide them with pure water, a sufficient and balanced supply of minerals, and keep them free from stress, the cells will live, function and re-create themselves without any problems. Dr. West concludes in The Golden Seven Plus One that '... if the fluid medium in and around the cells was right, it would be impossible to damage or kill cells.'"

"... Healthy cells require healthy food. Healthy food is food eaten just as close to the way God make it as possible ... and that means RAW!!! Every step in the processing of food takes it further from the way God intended our cells to be nourished, and this includes the cooking of food! Man is the only member of the animal kingdom that destroys his food before he eats it!"

"Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, in his book Green Barley Essence, notes that on the cellular level, our bodies relive the 'drama of creation millions of times every day, as the cells which form our tissue are reborn in countless succession in the life-sustaining chain.' He says, ' the most delicate of conditions must prevail' for this constant recreation of life to be carried on, and that a 'balance and maintenance of minerals is the key to health.'"

"Minerals also help maintain the pH balance between acid and alkaline. Dr. Hagiwara warns, 'should this balance be upset, the cell metabolism suffers, leading to conditions such as fatigue.'

"Perhaps the most important advantage to maintaining an alkaline internal environment is that alkalinity is detrimental to the survival of disease organisms and cancer cells. Dr. Hagiwara also believes alkalinity is a critical factor in normalizing blood-sugar regulation and the proper functioning of enzymes...'"

"We do not know of a more alkaline food than barley grass juice. Spinach is considered to be one of the most alkaline of all foods, but Green Barley Essence (BarleyMax) is more than 50 percent more alkaline than spinach... There are 16 different vitamins in organically grown and properly processed barley juice powder including the anti-oxidants beta-carotene (which becomes vitamin A in the body), vitamin C and vitamin E, along with a full range of the B-complex vitamins. To be effective, vitamins must come from a natural, rather than synthetic source... Proteins are provided in high quantity by many vegetables, and Dr. Hagiwara says it is a false assumption that meat is a better protein source... Meat contains crude protein, whereas green juices contains light-weight protein molecules that are more usable by our bodies...The chlorophyll in barley grass juice has powerful anti-inflammatory, deodorizing and germicidal properties."

The list goes on and on, but my point here is to keep the body at a pH balance and keep your blood clean. As you can read above the main living food for raw and healthy fuel would be a barley grass juice! "Dr. Hagiwara notes the reputation for endurance of cattle and horses; they work to exhaustion and then find renewed energy after feeding on grass, 'due presumably to potassium and many other nutrients' in the grass." I haven't watched many cattle lately, but I have watched my dog or cat at times and what do they do for extra nourishment? Eat the grass in the yard! Green food is a must. We need living plant foods. Why not try a barley grass juice - try BarleyMax and keep your body pH balanced.

BarleyMax can be purchased at Please use referral number DXW when you place your order.

P.S. If you don't like the taste of grass, BarleyMax now comes in flavors! Take your pick today - as for me, I like the natural grass flavor and my body has learned to crave it on a daily basis! I can't live without it! Literally!!!

Here's to your health!

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