Saturday, April 24, 2010

Be Expecting Something Good

One of the questions you need to ask yourself as you make a lifestyle change is what are you expecting to happen? Your answer should not only weigh the pros and cons but also specifically include a list of positive changes for your health and life!
It could look something like this:

I want to be more flexible - able to bend and move without aches and pains.
I want to be able to breath when I touch my toes.
I want to be able to walk two and a half miles.
I want my hair to shine.
I want my teeth to sparkle.
I want to see well with my eyes.
I want to be able to turn my head completely to the left and to the right.
I want to be able to do sit ups and other exercises that I haven't done in years.
I want my fingernails and toenails to grow and be strong.
I want to be able to bend my elbows and knees without pain.
I want to be pain free!
I want to be free of all sickness and disease!
I want to look good and be at the weight I should be!

No more allergies, no more Fibromyalgia, no more arthritis, no more digestive disorders, no more diabetes, no more heart disease, no more cancer, no more depression and no more stress!

I am living a clean, fresh, healthy lifestyle!

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