Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Lungs

Let me share more from George Malkmus about our lungs from his book The Hallelujah Diet (page 179-180):

"Lungs. Our lungs are among the largest, most valuable elimination organs. They exchange over 12,000 quarts of air per day. Gases are eliminated through the lungs, particularly carbon dioxide. When we inhale oxygen, the oxidation of our body's cells produces carbon dioxide.

As you breathe, the movement in your lungs, diaphragm, and thorax act as a pump for lymph fluid as it flows through your lymph system. Your lymph system is the primary system your body uses to deliver toxins to your elimination organs. The lungs are also involved in body temperature regulation, the acid/alkaline balance we discussed earlier, and the movement of fluid throughout the lymphatic system. In addition, deep breathing is the primary source for oxygen, which is vital for your body to produce the energy it needs to get through the healing crisis.

Pollutants and smoking will hinder your lungs, and they're downright deadly. You can help out your lungs by taking long walks in fresh air; focus on filling your lungs; taking a few long, deep breaths instead of many shallow, quick ones. And when you are sitting or resting, position your body so you can breathe as deeply as possible. This will increase your absorption of oxygen and relax your body."

Here's to your health!

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