Friday, April 2, 2010

Kinds of Fasts II

First let me add something to our Water Fast from yesterday, I neglected to mention that on a water fast you want to be sure and drink distilled water. Why? It's the best because it's water that is in its purest form.

Today let's look at the Juice Fast. Paul and Patricia Bragg* have this to say and I want to share it with you as we get started today:

"Everyone who wants to live the healthy life must thoroughly understand just what is going on in their body chemistry. Fresh, organic, raw fruits and vegetables help flush the toxins out. The body can't be rushed. It takes the average person a long time to saturate the body with toxic poisons. Now it's going to take time to flush this debris out with this transition diet! The more organic raw fruits and raw vegetables that you condition yourself to handle, the more cleansed your body will become!" The Braggs also recommend that you prepare for a fast by eating a cleansing diet for 1 to 2 days before beginning your fast because it can greatly help the cleansing process. Another suggestion is taking a mixed vitamin C powder (see below *) because it is a potent antioxidant and flushes out deadly free radicals that produce harmful effects and because it promotes collagen production for new healthy tissues.

Along with this I want to add that through my purchase and reading of Paul and Patricia Bragg's book,* I have learned to drink their Vinegar Drink each and every morning upon rising and I would encourage you to add this to your morning intake before or after your Barley Max which I've mentioned several times and also take. The recipe for the Bragg's Vinegar Drink can be found in our recipe section this week. Now let's look at our Juice Fast.

Juice Fast:
Juice fasting is a safe and easy way to detoxify the body. This fast consists of strictly juices and water only. Again distilled water. The juices should be fresh juice and not the processed canned, bottled or frozen juices from the grocers. This is what you have for your three meals a day. 8-16 ounces of fresh juice! Carrot or a carrot blend (especially with beets as they are great for cleansing the body) is the best or your green juices. In between meals drink plenty of distilled water. Don't forget your BarleyMax! However, when you get the urge to eat or have a hunger pain, you can always add another fresh juice to your day. George Malkmus, Hallelujah Acres founder and author, drank 8 - 8 ounce glasses of carrot juice a day when he was in a crisis and needed to cleanse his body of a tumor growing inside his body! Juices offer great quantities of nutrients that support your immune system,and the juice fast is a powerful healing tool. Don't wait until you're sick to do a juice fast as it will also keep your body in good health!

*Apple Cider Vinegar, Miracle Health System, Paul C. Bragg and Patricia Bragg, page 50. Vitamin C (C concentrate, acerola, rosehips, and bioflavonoids)

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