Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't Miss Any

One or two of the principles we share will work alone or together, but putting all the principles for good health together in your life will give you the optimum lifestyle! You may choose to start with one principle like eating living foods, but don't stop there! Don't get sidetracked. Be sure to add another as soon as one has become a positive habit in your daily routine. We often forget one or the other even though we know them all.

I have from personal experience found that I often forget to drink water. Why? It's never been something I do so I have to create the habit in my life. Now, I have cut out other beverages that contain caffeine or carbonation and especially alcohol but it's not until my body is crying out of thirst that I think, "oh, have a glass of water!" Another often forgotten principle is exercise. All nine principles we are going to investigate for a healthier you must be put together to give you the maximum energy and optimum health you desire. Along with these nine principles you will begin to discover that there is so much more to having a healthier lifestyle... and you've been missing out on it! Start today by putting the principles for health into your life... make it an adventure and don't quit!

Here's to your health!

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