Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat

Here it is right from George Malkmus from his book, The Hallelujah Diet, page 181-182 - more parts of the body that detoxify:

"Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat. Your body uses all of these organs to detoxify. Many symptoms we consider illness are really just our bodies expelling unwanted particles out of our system. You may notice your eyes becoming more crusty than usual in the mornings, or they may form a mucus coating, which prompts you to rub them.

You can support all your eliminative systems by eating fruits and vegetables with a lot of fiber. Juice fasting occasionally (drinking juices only, but not consuming any solid food) can boost your body's ability to cleanse and provide the nutrients your body needs to repair itself... Water fasting is not recommended for detoxing, as it simply draws out toxins and does nothing to provide the body with needed nutrients.

The cleansing process is necessary, but it doesn't have to be traumatic. Just remember, you've been putting toxins into your bodies for a long time and you can expect it will take a while to get them out. It won't always be pleasant, but it will definitely be worth it..."

It's not surprising or is it to learn about our own bodies and their miraculous functioning. I don't know about you, but I sure didn't have an interest back in junior high school when I was sitting in a health class and supposed to be learning this stuff!

Here's to your health!

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