Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We've talked about cleansing through fasting but there are ways for us to cleanse on a daily basis. One is by taking in the proper fuel; living foods, which we discussed yesterday. Another is drinking plenty of water. Water helps flush out the toxins from your body. Exercise helps stimulate the flow of things in your body and again helps remove those toxins.

The elimination process is as natural as any other function the body performs whether it be the lymph system or the colon that does the eliminating, the body must be kept clean. Our body should naturally be eliminating waste at least three times a day once after every meal. Many people today don't realize that and are satisfied with three times a week! Imagine what your colon looks like! Imagine how your blood looks as it tries to flow through your body... thick and gunk-y barely passing through! I won't even mention where the extra fat might be stored and what it looks like. Think about this: if it looks bad, what do you think it's doing to the body?

Cleanse. Cleanse. Cleanse. Once you've had a deep cleanse whether it be through fasting, enema, or a deep colonics cleanse, which by the way should only need to be done once if you maintain it, you can keep it cleaned up by eating the right foods that don't clog it and drink plenty of water, exercise and get proper rest and the body will love you for it.

Here's to you health!

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